On Tuesday I strictly worked on speedwork. I knew I had a race that weekend so I made sure I did some intervals and got as much time in as I could before the sun set on me! I think I did about 3 miles.
Thursday night, my Garmin went out on me but I did a fast 2.5 miles. I picked up the pace for those two miles.
Saturday, we had the Crazy Cajun 10K here in my hometown!

When I got to the Civic Center, it was POURING down rain which also made it really cold outside! My dad was there to meet me so we got out and went to check in. I was SO glad that our shirts were long sleeve because I was sooooo cold!!!!
Then, just like magic, the rain stopped and the sun came out. It got WARM really quick so I took off my long sleeve shirt for the race.

My mom showed up right before we started!

We did something super silly. I forgot to put an SD card in my camera so my dad took pictures the entire race without a memory card in the camera! :) Oh well...we re-inacted some photos and others, we got from a friend! lol! Whoops!

There I come! I ran this ENTIRE race with only stopping at the water stations. I kept thinking that I was going too fast and would tire out soon but I never did! My usual pace for longer races is an 11 minute mile. Most of the time, my Garmin said I was running a 9:35 min mile so I was worried! I kept pace with some people in front of me and it was GREAT! I didn't really start hurting until the 3.5 miles. My knees hurt and my ankle hurt but my breathing was good and everything else was good. I would only allow myself to walk at water stations for 10 seconds each...enough to get a drink, take a quick deep breath, throw water on my face, and off I went again! lol! It was cooler outside too so I know that helped. Many times I wanted to stop and walk, especially once I reached the 5 mile mark but I had to keep reminding myself that I was almost there!!! I don't know where I got it from but I pulled it from somewhere deep inside and I went for it! All or nothing!!! What an amazing feeling!

The grin on my face is because I realized that I ran this race about 6 or 7 minutes faster than I thought I would.
I felt incredible. Like I was on cloud nine. I felt as if I had done the unthinkable!! lol! For me, it was the unthinkable! Haha!

My official time said:
Karen Seal
51st place
Official Time: 1hour: 0 minutes 57.5 seconds
10:00/per mile pace time

They had free massages after the race but I had to leave for something at church. Next time though...I'm so going for it! lol!

What a great feeling!!!!

Jason had to work but I still had some support there! :0)

Our group trailor

Me with a few running buddies

Only in Lake Charles...a giant Crawfish!! :)

This is our runners group inside joke...our coach always tells us to watch out what we eat the night before our races so we don't end up in the K-Jon all during the race! :)

I thought for sure I would crash sometime on Saturday but I never did! I felt like I was on a high all day long!!! I loved it!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, you did such a wonderful job!!! Your minute mile is extraordinary too, you should be proud. :) I totally look up to your running pace, that is something I would like to achieve eventually. I think you are going to kick but during your half marathon. How nice too that the sun decided to shine last minute! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your openness on your fears, I think trusting in God and listening to worship music is fantastic, I do that too. Hope your week is going well and your running strong! :)