
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ah the Humidity...and I WON!!

It's officially summertime in Louisiana! The heat has been awful as well as the humidity!

My sister in law went out for a 6 mile run today and it was miserable! The heat wasn't so bad this morning it was more the humidity. We were both drenched by the time we finished! We had fun, was nice to chat and catch up! I missed my group run Saturday morning cause for one, it was raining and for two, we were having our 10 year high school reunion Saturday night and after we ate dinner, we were returning to my house for dessert and to watch our senior video!

I graduated in 2000 with a small class of 19. We were a very close class from a small private school in the area. A friend of mine and I were in charge of doing everything for the reunion. We had a very good turn out...11 out of 19 showed up! I was excited to see everyone!

Here's everyone after dinner!

I feel like I can finally breathe again! For so long, I've been working on my house and neglecting my running cause of last night's event. However, I'm good to go now! Yay!

We did finish our back yard deck project and I'm sitting out there right now. I.LOVE.IT! It's so nice! We also got our table/umbrella in so it's all set and good to go!

So I just found out that I won a Bondiband from a giveaway over at Girl Running (MJ)! How exciting!!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous week! Oh yeah, I wondered this morning what was up with all the run-over frogs on the road this morning. It was bad, really...we saw SO many of them! I think it's because we've gotten so much rain here lately but still, it made me so sad! :0(


  1. thats awesome! I enter giveaways all the time and I have never won! boo! Good job on the run!

  2. I'm a disney freak too! congrats on the half marathon, quite an accomplishment!

  3. Eeeks, frogs creep me out!

    Glad you had such a good time with the reunion!
