Yesterday, I turned 28 years old! I had a FABULOUS day that started out with two surprises at work...

This from my dad (we work at the same facility). He brought me a Twix bar (that I haven't eaten and a Caramel macchiato with 2% milk and whip cream on top. I think he's trying to offset my resolve to drop a few pounds! lol
Also, my boss made these for our department:

They were super yummy! No, I didn't eat 2! One was for Jason! lol

It's quitting time! Let the celebration begin!!!

Jason took me to McAlisters for lunch on my birthday! McAlisters is another favorite of mine!! lol
The birthday festivities officially began on Thursday night when Jason took me out to eat at OCharleys! Yummy my favorite!!!

We were so hungry by the time we got there, we both devoured the twisted chips. Seriously. I felt so gross afterward, I had to unbutton my pants! lol Jason says, "You know it's a good night when you have to unbutton your pants!" LOL

So for an entree, I had a salad. I LOVE their California Chicken Salad (minus the bleu cheese). It seriously is one of my favorite salads ever!

After dinner, we went to Cold Stone and split a like it size Coffee Ice Cream with Heath Bar! Yummmmy!

He also gave me roses! Aww!!

Last night for my birthday dinner, my amazing inlaws had us over! It was great and we had a BLAST! I love it that my whole family gets along!! It's so much fun!
My mother in law made roast, rice and gravy, corn, and homemade bread which is my FAVE! (Can you tell I like food?! lol)

We also had cake of course!

After cake, I got the honor of signing the table cloth! My mother in law has this Happy Birthday table cloth and she puts it out on the table for every birthday! I've signed it 5 years in a row! lol I heart the birthday table cloth!

My husband also surprised me by getting his dad's convertible mustang to drive around for the weekend! woohoo! Perfect weather for it, too! Yay!

My brother and his wife, Kayla!

To offset all of this incredible food I ate so far this weekend, I met up with my running group this morning for an 8 mile run! My sister in law, Kayla, who is also training for a half came along for the run, too!

We ran a route that takes us by this house that has 2 mannequins standing at the window. It's the funniest thing...the first time we saw it, we were all waving and smiling cause we thought people were watching us run!! Hahaha!!! Then we realized what it was! So funny! I know it's hard to see, but they are there in the window! lol

So far, I haven't opened any gifts yet (that's tonight with my family) or eaten my incredible favorite birthday cake!! It's a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing! Oh my gosh it's to DIE for!!!!! Can't wait! That's part of what got me through my 8 mile run this morning! lol

Thursday was my mom and dad's Siberian Husky's birthday! She turned THIRTEEN years old! She is in such great shape! Both of her parents died around age 9-10. Happy Birthday, Maggie!!! :)

The only bad thing that happened yesterday....My 3 month old deck umbrella just broke. Kayla and I spent an hour looking through receipts, couldn't find it. Thankfully my brother has the hookup with Bed Bath and Beyond (cause he used to work there)!! He called and got it all straight and they are shipping a new one from Florida to me! Jason said, "See...its a birthday miracle!" LOL
Sooo, overall, I had a fabulous day! Can't wait for more celebrations tonight and that peanut butter chocolate cake! I think the anticipation is just as exciting as eating the cake itself!! lol
Disclaimer: NEVER do I EVER eat this much food at one time unless I'm at Disney World or having a holiday weekend...just sayin.
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