It has been a whirlwind crazy time here lately! We got home from the concert weekend, went back to work, then left again this weekend for an overnight stay in Houston, TX with friends for an Astros game! Thankfully this trip was only a one nighter so we are back home now and can enjoy the rest of the weekend at home!
The concert. was. AMAZING. The whole weekend was amazing, actually! :0) I had such a great time with Kim and Kayla! We all get along really well so it was fun!!
Kayla and I started off Saturday morning with a 5 mile run. We got up at 5 a.m. and attempted this run. It was dark. Beyond dark. Ridiculously dark. Kayla lives in the BOONIES so there are NO street lights and a LOT of woods. Talk about scared to death! I had my reflector, a flash light, and my pepper spray. I ran with a flashlight in one hand and pepper spray in the other! Hah!

Here's Kayla with all her gear!
At one point, we kinda freaked cause there was a possum on the side of the road (of course we couldn't see what it was) and it jumped and ran and scared the living daylights out of us! It was so crazy!!! The sun started to come up about an hour into our run. I was supposed to run father (10 miles) but we didn't have time so we went back home to shower and get ready to leave! We had quite a few "adventures" on this trip. If you know me, you know I love "adventures". The run was one of those adventures! lol
Our first stop for the morning was a Road Dogs game. The Jonas Brothers have a softball team called the Road Dogs...they travel from city to city when they are on tour and they play a softball game against a team that is from that hometown. They promote XtheText which is all against texting while driving. It's a neat cause and the softball game is free! Woohoo! So we got there, not sure if we could even get tickets cause we figured they were all gone. We were WRONG! These Road Dogs games aren't well advertised (I think on purpose) and you really have to dig to find out info on them, so not a lot of people knew about it!

With the bus...
We got in and found a spot to stand (later we sat down in the bleachers). There were maybe only about 800-1,000 people there so really, this event is not known well by the public. It was awesome. The concert was good, but I think this was one of my favorite parts of the weekend! They were up close and "life size" and the game was a good one!

Nick Jonas hitting a home run!

Joe Jonas in right field! I've so done this before so I know how you feel, Joe! lol
We also made it onto the Houston news website. The blogger lady took our picture and afterwards, we laughed cause we said the headline would be something like "Adults like the Jonas Brothers, too!" Haha! Well I'm not THAT old...Kayla is 23 and Kim and I are 28 so it's ok! :0)
After the game, we checked into our hotel and got ready for the concert that night! We got lucky with our hotel and were able to stay right down the road! It was fabulous!

The Woodlands Pavilion

Camp Rock!

Demi! She's the main reason we decided to take this trip! I think she's is such a great entertainer and she has an amazing voice! She's a great dancer too so I think she's just all around fabulous! :0)

Jonas Brothers time! OK so this is really ridiculous I know...BUT, there's a song that they sing and every time I hear it, I think about the Walt Disney World Wine and Dine Half Marathon that I'm about to run in a few weeks. They opened with this song and it made me all excited for our Disney Cruise and running the Half! "This is the night...for feeling alive..." Woohoo! Can't wait! :0)

So like I said before, the concert was great and so entertaining! I would go back in a heart beat!!
We ended the weekend with a little Cheesecake Factory!!!

I had a blast and so did my friends!!
As far as running/training goes for the week, I've done GREAT this week! Probably my best so far!
Monday, I ran 5 miles
Tuesday, I took a rest day
Wednesday, I ran 4 miles in the morning before work
Thursday, I took a rest day
Friday, I ran 4 miles before work
Saturday, I ran 4 miles after getting home from our trip
Sunday, I'll run 8 miles for my long run
It's almost tapering time for the WDW Wine and Dine Half Marathon! I'll run 6 miles next Saturday and while on board the Disney Wonder, I'll run a few times. I might do the Castaway Cay 5K again but I'm not sure...we'll see!
Hope everyone's had a fabulous week! God bless! :0)