
Friday, September 10, 2010


Deep down inside of me beats the heart of a 16 year old.

I have tickets to a concert tomorrow night...

My husband got three of these for me as a birthday gift. Coming along with me are my 23 year old Sister in Law and my 28 year old best fried. So apparently, we all have a teenager deep down inside wanting to come out! lol

We are all SO excited! We'll probably be the only non-kid-handling adults there! Hah! Oh well! We're ready to have a good time!

In other news (non running), I think I have the BEST husband on the face of the planet. Rewind...last week, there was a HUGE mixup with my Nikon. It's a long story so in short, it was making funny noises, so I returned it to the store....once it was fixed, it was sent back to the WRONG ADDRESS (when it was supposed to be sent back to the store). Sooo, my baby, my Nikon has been floating around in UPS Space in God only knows where. In the meantime, I've spent hours on the phone and I've had to reschedule a bridal shoot. Not cool. When I finally located my camera and got it all taken care of, I was ok...but I still don't have it. Hopefully, I'll get it back by next week. Hopefully.

So in the meantime, Jason took me out to dinner and then he purchased this for me...

Ever since I've been doing more professional photography, I've been dying for one of these. I've been eyeing this baby for at least 2 years. First, it was the D70, now the D90. I didn't think it was necessary for me since I had a camera that worked perfectly need for another one, right? Well apparently I was wrong. I've been thinking of having a back up lense or a back up camera for a few months now. I had the thought that if something happened to my camera during a wedding or if something happened to my main lens during a wedding, I would be SCREWED cause I have no backups. Sooo....not only did he purchase this camera for me, on the following day (his day off), he drove to a town about an hour away to pick it up for me! (there were none here) On top of that, he also went to DAVID'S BRIDAL by HIMSELF and picked up my 2 bridesmaids dresses for me!!! He's so awesome! Then, on Thursday, he brought our broken patio umbrella to Bed Bath and Beyond to exchange and he set up the new one for me! Yay! He's pretty great!!! :0)

So anyway, I need to stop blabbing and get to packing! We are leaving tonight for my Sister in Law's house, we are going to get up early Saturday and run, then we are gonna head to the town where the concert is and spend the night! Woohoo! Sunday, we'll go shopping and then come home! Sounds like a fabulous weekend to me! :0)


  1. omg you got a second camera?!? lucky ducky!!! how was the concert?

  2. What a sweet hubby!
