In a hasty, last minute decision made just this past week, I ran a local 3 mile race on Saturday. I’ve run it the past three years and I remember the last two years being HOT and MUGGY and miserable. Well, the weather for this weekend looked decent, so I signed up to run!

Jason was working nights and was unable to come with me, but he did take a picture of me before I left for the race! :0)

I got to the race and met up with my friend Amanda. We decided last week that we would run together and push each other. I train with Amanda every Saturday so I knew that we were going to do well with “pushing” each other! She also ran her first Full Marathon in January – The Houston Marathon!

We took a big Running Group group photo before the race…..

….then we lined up to go! One of the guys in our running group said a prayer….

….and we were off…..
You can’t see us in the above picture. You know why? Amanda wanted to stand in the FRONT, right behind the guys that TAKE OFF when the race starts. I glanced multiple times at my Garmin the first half mile and we started at 6:30!! I knew it felt like I was sprinting! Hah! I’m used to starting more towards the middle but oh well! We slowed down a lot and were able to get into our comfortable pace. My goal for this race was anything in the 26 minute range…

We stopped for water at 1.5 miles (and I wish I hadn’t cause it threw off my groove). Pushing on, we continued running and saw the really fast people passing us on the way back. I counted the girls as I saw them. Eight. Only EIGHT girls were ahead of us! What?! That’s insane. I knew right then and there that Amanda would place in her age category and I was SO excited for her!!!!
One of my goals last year was to place in my age category in a “short” race, but I never accomplished that. I was only 8 seconds away from placing in a race. Ugh.
I don’t have any photos of us running towards the finish line, but I know that I was ALL smiles. You know what time the clock said?! 25 something…TWENTY FIVE?!?!? Oh my gosh….wow. I kept saying “Oh my gosh oh my gosh I can’t believe this!” We kicked it up into MAJOR overdrive and crossed the finish line at….
Holy Moly I couldn’t believe my eyes! I felt like I was walking on a cloud!! Twenty five?! Granted, this was only a 3 mile race, but that’s not far off from a 5K!
After the race, we posed for pictures with our other Marathon friend Heather, then we went inside to shop for shoes!!
Our shoe shopping experience was halted because I heard them announcing awards outside. I knew Amanda placed in her age group so I made everyone go outside! Hah!

As they arrived in my age division, I listened, but only halfway cause I didn’t think I placed. Then, all of a sudden, out of no where, I heard my name….wait? Is that really what they said?! I placed THIRD in my age category!? WHAT?! I FREAKED out and jumped up and down, then I ran up to the awards people like some lunatic on the Price is Right. I got my “award” and was still so much in shock, my mouth hung open in disbelief….and Amanda’s husband captured that glorious moment on camera.
Yeah, well…that’s not so glorious, that’s a little scary. WOW, Karen. Good job. Promise Kid.
Anyway, moving on from that embarrassment, Amanda and I posed with our awards….I received $5 off a pair of shoes and she received $10 off a pair of shoes (cause she did indeed place in her age category! She got 2nd place!). Right after awards, they started throwing door prizes out like a Mardi Gras parade! LOL I caught this really nice Adidas red cinch sack! Awesomeness!
We went inside to buy our shoes and they didn’t have my size in the Saucony Hurricane’s…bummer. The shoes were 30% off on top of my $5 coupon. Oh well. I decided to check out the $25 table and believe it or not, I found a really nice pair of New Balance shoes (reg $130) for $25. I was able to use my $5 coupon so I got them for TWENTY dollars! They are my new work shoes!! :0)
After making my awesome shoe purchase, I high tailed it home…but not without a Starbucks trip first! I decided to get a pastry! Chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing! YUMMO!!!! I had to hurry to Texas because I was meeting my parents and my brother/sister in law for a shopping trip! More on that in a future post! :0)
All in all, it was an incredible day. I felt like I was walking on Sunshine and Cloud 9 all day long!!!!! :0)