
Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that all of you had a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!  :0)

I had a great day, myself!  Here’s a little recap:


I woke up at 5 a.m. and began my search for a news paper!  Little did I know, my dad asked my grandpa to save his for me!  Wasn’t that sweet?

I got dressed and drove to town for the 5th Annual Go Run Turkey Trot.  It wasn’t a race – our coach set out different mileage routes and you could run/walk however far you wanted!  Heather and I ran 6 miles. 


Gobble Gobble!


I came home, showered, then brought homemade Pumpkin Pie Cinnamon Rolls over to my parents house for breakfast!  SO very good!


For lunch, Jason and I went to his grandmother’s house where we skyped his sister, her husband, and his parents in Kansas City!  His parents were in KC for a visit so we missed them this Thanksgiving!

After lunch, I picked up my mom and we drove to Michael’s for a little pre-black Friday shopping!  It was fun and we got a LOT of good deals!!!

For dinner, we went back to my parents house where we FEASTED on a ton of food!


THIS is the reason I ran 6 miles yesterday morning!


Lots of eating,


Lots of BEGGING,  (doesn’t my face say “I’m starving! Give me a bite!”)


…and lots of desserting!!  Is that even a word? Ah well. We ate lots of dessert! :0)


………and my doggie tried to eat my mom’s bird for dinner.

We left my parent’s house, drove home, went to sleep, and woke up 4 hours later for BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING!!!!! More on that later! :0)

That about sums up my Thanksgiving!  Hope everyone enjoyed theirs too!! I had a blast and I can’t wait to be with all of my family again at Christmas!


  1. Great job with a Turkey Trot! All that food looks yummy and well earned!

  2. Nice job on getting out there for the run! Kudos to your for braving Black Friday! :)

  3. You are quite brave for getting out there so early on Black Friday. Hope you got some great deals!
