First off, our local American Cancer Society had an Evening of Recognition scheduled for this past Thursday night. Originally, our Disney trip was planned through Friday, so we cut our Disney trip short by one day for the ceremony. I told our local regional director, “You know I REALLY love y’all if I’m willing to part with Disney for an extra day!!”
The ceremony was incredibly smooth. Yours truly was the MC along with our outgoing 2012 Leadership Council President.
I love our local ACS Staff Partners and Volunteers…they are a GREAT group of people and sure know how to have a good time!
I also received several awards I was not expecting!
Each of us ran with DetermiNation last year in the Rock and Roll New Orleans Half/Full Marathon. These ladies are so silly. Somehow, the term “coach” was coined and it stuck. So for the past two years, I’ve been their “coach”. Funny.
I also received a Community Volunteer Award which was NOT expected at all! I am so blessed to be able to volunteer with such an awesome group of people!
My Supervisor and I – he also received a Community Volunteer Award.
The facility I work for also received two awards for their partnership with ACS. I would say overall, it was a very successful evening!
Over the weekend, my friend Kelli and I traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to run the Louisiana Half Marathon!
I must be crazy.
We signed up for this race on a whim back in October, knowing it was the weekend after Goofy and Houston (which was Kelli’s first Full Marathon). We decided to go for it, have a good time, and enjoy ourselves without any pressure. Mission: ACCOMPLISHED! More on this race to come!
Last but certainly not least, I received an email yesterday notifying me that I have been selected as a Top Health & Fitness Blogger for ecollege finder!
Taken from their website:
For our students aspiring to enroll in sport and wellness management programs, or those who simply seek health and fitness information to better their minds, bodies, and overall well-being, we have cultivated a list of the greatest resources in the health and fitness blogging community, nominated by you!
I am very excited about the nomination! Thanks ecollege finder! :0)
Oh yes – how could I have let it slip my mind? This will be last, I promise….
I am registered for Dumbo Double Dare at the Disneyland Resort! We have not been back to Disneyland since 2008 (our first wedding anniversary) so I’m really looking forward to seeing the updates AND receiving my Coast to Coast Medal!!! Oh yeah!
Registration opens TODAY for the Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend and is expected to fill up FAST! If you are interested, be ready! Come join me in Disneyland! I hear it’s going to be a blast!!
Have a wonderful day! :0)
Lots of fun stuff to celebrate! Can't wait for Disneyland! yay!