
Friday, February 8, 2013

The Ultimate Beginners Running Guide - Book Review

As a beginning runner, I remember the time I spent scouring the internet for tips, hints, and fitness blogs – anything related to running. I was like a sponge, ready to soak up any and all information about the sport I knew so little about.

I no longer consider myself a beginning runner, but I definitely remember when I was one – and I remember all of the questions and uncertainty that came along with it.

Enter: “The Ultimate Beginner’s Running Guide: The Key to Running Inspired”…


Last month while in Disney World, I was contacted by Ryan Robert to review a copy of his book, “The Ultimate Beginner’s Running Guide: The Key to Running Inspired”. I was completely intrigued, so I agreed.

This book is divided into 9 easy-to-read chapters which are as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Getting Ready to Run
  • Chapter 2: Footwear and Common Foot Problems
  • Chapter 3: Warming Up, Cooling Down, and Target Heart Rates
  • Chapter 4: Confidence and Raising the Bar
  • Chapter 5: Staying Motivated
  • Chapter 6: Nutrition and Hydration
  • Chapter 7: Running in Adverse Conditions and Common Injuries
  • Chapter 8: Running Inspired
  • Chapter 9: Training Schedules

Beyond the “basics” of learning to run, this book covers things such as hill running, improving performance, staying motivated, nutrition, injury, training schedules, etc.

One of my favorite chapters of this book was a section about Overcoming Self-Consciousness. I don’t talk about it much but before I began running, I was scared to run outside or on a treadmill at a gym because I didn’t want people to “watch” me or see me. In his book, Ryan covers an entire section about overcoming fears such as the one I had. Who knew others have the same fear I had? Crazy!

If you purchase the Kindle edition of Beginners Running Guide, you will have access to free downloadable PDF running schedules online. These schedules are aimed at helping you get started with your running journey and becoming the best runner you can be!

As an “advanced” runner (dare I call myself that?), I learned a lot from Beginner’s Running Guide and am thankful I was given this opportunity. Perhaps my biggest take away from this book is simply stated, “Once you’ve become inspired, only you can set the limits of what you’ll accomplish”.

My verdict….this book is a WONDERFUL guide for runners of any type.

Check out The Ultimate Beginners Running Guide: The Key To Running Inspired on Amazon, available for digital download. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can download this book for free!

Please Note: I was provided with a free copy of this book for review. All opinions stated are my own.


About the Author:

Ryan Robert, MA, writes, runs, and edits in Alaska where his main claim to fame is being able to do all three at once.  As a teacher and coach for a decade, and then a firefighter and trainer for firefighters for the Forest Service, he has learned what works with athletes, and what doesn't.
Ryan logs in almost 1500 miles a year running, and twice that back-country skiing, proving that it is truly possible to run virtually anywhere, anytime.  He lives with his editor-in-chief and the two smallest critics in the world in Homer, Alaska.

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT book idea! I have so many friends that don't know where to begin when they start running...and I know I didn't either. Having a nice, down to earth resource would have been so helpful!
