
Monday, April 29, 2013


Thanks for all the concern over my ITBand from the race this weekend! I’ll be back tomorrow with a full race recap. For now, I’m going to share a few thoughts that have been rolling around in my mind this past weekend.

Here’s the scoop on my grandfather.

He’s 92 years old. He’s a diabetic. Lucky for him, he’s been doing SO well and has lived at home by himself up until this point. I stopped by for a visit on Thursday and discovered a pretty bad foot issue – he had been doctoring it himself.

I drove him straight to the Emergency Room and my parents met up with us there. He was admitted for IV antibiotics over the weekend and will have to have surgery either today or tomorrow to remove the source of infection on his foot.

I’m a nurse and I’ve seen and done a lot. It’s times like this when I hate being in the medical field. Life is fragile and so are 92 year olds. Putting a 92 year old under anesthesia is not a good idea. However, we are stuck – the source of infection HAS to be removed. Another concern of ours is the site of surgery – if there’s poor blood flow to the area, will it even heal? So what do we do? We are between a rock and a hard place.

My grandfather has been a huge part of my life from birth until now. Him and my grandmother kept me on weekdays until I started Kindergarten. They picked us up from school every single day and kept us until our parents got off work. They had us every summer until we were old enough to stay home alone. I often spent the night at their house on weekends.


I love him to pieces and am not ready to say goodbye. I joke with him and he jokes with me. I love our relationship.

Working in Oncology has really opened my eyes to life and living to the fullest. I don’t know what the end result of all of this will be, but I’m trying to hope for the best. I’m not trying to sound un-optimistic, he may come out of all of this completely fine and go on with life – none of us know, but that’s what we are hoping for.

Until then, I’m holding on to the promises.

My grandfather and my family REALLY appreciate your prayers!! Thanks so much!

Romans 8:38-39
”Yes, I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


  1. Oh no, Karen. I'm praying for your grandfather and the decisions your family must make.

    1. Thank you so much. We appreciate the prayers!

  2. As I get older,I realize how precious time is as well. No matter how much (time) we get with our loved ones, it can never be enough. That's what makes it so hard.... I love the picture of you and your grandfather!!!

    1. You are SO right! I'm very grateful and blessed I've had him around as long as I have!! Thank you! :0)

  3. Prayers continue to ascend for your grandfather and everyone caring for him!

    I am excited to read your race report.

    1. I appreciate it so much, Sarah! Thank you! :0)

  4. Sending good thoughts to your grandfather! Mine is 91 and I always try to remember how lucky I am to still have him around. Every day is a blessing.

    1. You are right - every day IS a blessing! Thank you so much! :0)

  5. Praying for your grandfather and family Karen! He looks like such a sweet man in the picture! I just want to hug him!

    1. He is so cute! Everyone at the hospital just loves him! lol Thanks for the prayers!! :0)

  6. Thinking of you and your family. Things can change so quickly - for bad and good - with older folks, and you have to be realistically hopeful as I've learned the past few months with my grandma. Your grandfather sounds like an independent guy and that spirit will help him!

    1. You are right...they are fragile for sure! He is so independent - hopefully he will bounce back, we will see!

  7. Having just lost my father at nearly 92, I can see how difficult this time is for you Karen. I wish your grandpa success in fighting/healing from the foot infection. Life is hard and sadly we lose those we love, but hopefully for you, not soon! Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Pam! Yes, life is so hard...especially when we lose ones we love.

  8. So sorry your Grampa is ill. My thoughts are prayers are with your Grampa, you and your family. Your picture brought tears to my eyes, it's beautiful! I had a similar situation with my Grandparents (looked after me, lots of sleepovers, etc). My Grampa passed when I was 16. I remember the first time I looked up off the ball diamond and realized his truck wasn't there to watch my game. That's when it really hit home for me. I hope he pulls through this and you get lots more opportunities for pictures like that. :) Take care!

    1. Thank you so much!! Aww that's so sad...mine were always at my ball games, too! I hope so, too! :0)

  9. sorry to hear about your grandfather, hopefully you caught the wound early enough. I am praying for a speedy recovery for him.

    1. Thanks, Christy! That's what I'm hoping for too!!

  10. Hope your grandfather is doing well *hugs*

  11. Praying for you and your family! I hope all goes well with his foot surgery.

  12. Prayers for your grandfather, you, and your family. Stay strong for him. I know it is hard, but God is always in charge! I pray everything goes well and God watches over him through his surgery and healing.

    1. Thanks so much, Tabitha! I really appreciate that! :0)

  13. Thinking of you and your family.

  14. Thinking of you guys and wishing him a speedy recovery! :)

  15. That picture of you and your grandfather is just the cutest thing. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

    1. Thank you, Alicia! We definitely appreciate it! :0)
