Monday, October 28, 2013

Clearly Not Impressed

It was a beautiful day on Saturday and clearly, I was not impressed.

photo 1

…with my IT Band, that is.

I had awesome plans for a 10 mile solo run around my neighborhood on Saturday morning. As I reached mile 3, “that” twinge in my right knee hit me and I knew I was done. In the end, I walked .5 miles back to my house for a total of 4 miles.

Disappointed? Yes.

What happened? I was doing SO well! Even running in Disney the weekend before with hills and inclines didn’t phase me.

As the thoughts rolled through my mind, I realized something – I knew exactly what happened.

For starters, we cleaned out our attic on Friday afternoon which left my back bent in odd positions for several hours. This of course led to a sore back and my sleeping on a heating pad both Friday and Saturday night.

photo 2

I just love throwing stuff away!!

Foam rolling? Not a problem, I’ve got that down to an art.

My other issue? Since Disneyland, I completely jumped OFF my PT leg exercises bandwagon! GASP. How could I forget to do these essential (for me) daily exercises? Whatever happened, I promise you I’m back on my routine. After completing sets on Saturday and Sunday, my leg/knee felt much better. I’m going to give it a few days before trying to run on it again and see where we go from there. I also discovered a 30 day core/ab workout from I began the workout last night along with my PT exercises. Hopefully the combination of both will help get me back out on the road! 

In non-injury related news, all of this Marine Corps Marathon talk has me itching to run another Marathon. I must be a glutton for punishment. After rolling a few thoughts through my mind, I’ve come up with a plan – I’m going to bump my registration from the Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon to the Full Marathon (I love this race and this course). It’s the 5th year, my 5th in a row…why not go big? I decided if it comes down to it and I’m unable to complete the Full Marathon, I’ll bump back down to the Half. We will take it week by week and see how it goes!

By the way, look what I found in the attic! Those bunny rabbit ear muffs are from when I was 5 years old, maybe? Also, the Mickey Mouse shirt is my mom’s from Disney World back in the 80’s!

photo 4

It even has “Walt Disney Productions” underneath the image…talk about vintage!

Hope you had a great weekend!! :0) Tell me how you enjoyed your weekend…share in the comments below.


  1. I've had IT band issues on and off for a few months now. Foam rolling and stretching daily along with a yoga class once per week seems to keep it happy. I know that exact feeling you are talking about though...hope you get well soon!

    Karen @karenlovestorun

    1. Thanks, Karen! It's great when you find a routine that works well for you! Glad that yoga, stretching, and rolling helps, I still can't believe I quit doing mine...what was I thinking? SMH.

  2. Glad your leg/knee is improving. It is hard to do all the stretching/rolling and exercises every day. Today is my day to get serious since Dopey Challenge is coming faster every day! I'm making a schedule and will keep to it and not just the exercising's the recovery part that I seem to miss.

    1. It is SO hard you're right! I have a calendar by my bed now, I'll see it every morning and every night to remind me. Dopey will be here SO soon! Excited for you guys!!

  3. SO sorry Karen! I'm right there with ya. I'm actually headed to the chiropractor this afternoon to get my knee and hip checked out. I LOVE that Mickey tee!!! How awesome!

    1. Oh no, Mindy! I Hope the chiropractor helps you feel better!

  4. OMG, OMG, OMG,OMG..!!
    Were you just "testing" me to see if I would read this post???!!!! WOOOHOOOOWOOOOHOOO. Lets say it one more time WOOHOOOWOOHOOO WHOOOHOOO!!!

    Im so EXCITED LIKE Agnes from Despicable Me when she sees the fluffy Unicorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My first Full! and you will be there doing the Full also!!!!!!!!!!! My dear friend. Love you!

    1. This is not a test! LOL Yipppeee! I'm so excited!

  5. I know that twinge well. While dealing with tendinitis in my right now, my left IT band is slightly twinging too. I'm done being injured :(

    1. Ugh right?! So over it! Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Thanks for the reminder that I really need to get back to my strength exercises. I really slacked off last week, and it is so easy to not do them! Hope you get better quick!

  7. Sorry you're hurting; I hope this goes away quickly now that you are back to your PT stretching routine. Good reminder for me - if I don't do mine before I get out of bed, I tend to keep putting them off, which is not helpful at all!

    1. Agreed, I usually do mine either when I wake up or before I go to sleep at night. Thank you! I should feel better soon!

  8. OMG I had that SAME yellow shirt as a kid, I wore it as a nightgown!
    So sorry about your IT band. I totally feel your pain!

    1. Aww! You and Suzanne could be twinkies! Cuuuuute.... :p

  9. Wow, that's exciting about switching to the full! I hope you work out all of your IT issues in time!

    1. Thanks so much! I'll be ok...just gives me time to work on it! :0)

  10. Sorry about your IT! Mine is being a pain as well.

    Congrats on deciding on the full for NOLA! Hope to see you then.

    I totally recognize that shirt. haha!


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