Wednesday, November 13, 2013

FitBox Samples 2.0

Remember back in the Spring when I compared the pros/cons of several different Monthly Athletic Subscription Boxes? If not, click on the link to check it out!


Last week, I received a surprise package from FitBox Samples, sharing the news of their newest FitBox, Version 2.0.


I loved the changes made with their newest version, now I’m sharing them you! :0)

FitBox Samples

For starters, their packages no longer consist of cardboard sleeves. Now, FitBox Samples ship inside a mini and reusable cinch bag! Isn’t it cute? Doing away with the cardboard sleeve means less waste!  

FitBox Samples 2

Subscribers also receive more samples than ever – 9 to 10 each month!

Fitbox Samples 2-1

FitBox Samples 3

FitBox Samples website has been updated to include an online self-service account management system for easier use.

FitBox Samples 4

Perhaps the most exciting update is the monthly price, which dropped by 25%. Now, FitBox Samples monthly subscription boxes cost $10/month + $4.95 shipping.

Interested in receiving a box or becoming a subscriber? Check out FitBox Samples’ website for all the details.

Disclaimer: I received this gift box from FitBox Samples, no compensation was received for this review. All opinions are my own. I would like to thank FitBox Samples for this opportunity.

What are your favorite types of samples to receive in a subscription box? (You know, the kind that make you gasp with excitement!)


  1. Oh that is neat! I cancel most of my beauty and fitness subscription boxes after 3 months or so because I feel the value isn't there. Looks like they give a lot of samples!

    1. I understand where you are coming from on that one and have felt the same way with other sub's not worth the $ if you don't enjoy what's inside!

  2. Oh the cinch bag is such a great idea! I'll definitely check Fitbox out!

  3. I like the cinch bag idea because it is much more environmentally friendly!

  4. I've never done a subscription box but love the cinch bag versus cardboard. I'm probably too picky to enjoy all that would be included in a box/bag!

    1. Hah I understand, Pam! I'm not terribly picky but can be at times. Depends on the situation I guess!

  5. I like the cinch bag too! I've gotten a few sample boxes in my day. Usually, I like about half the box.

  6. The cinch bag is a great idea, although my kids did love the boxes for playing with. I have tried a few subscriptions like that and love getting to try out new things~ this one looks like a great value!

    1. I've used the boxes to re-ship things to friends, so i agree that they aren't all waste. :0)

  7. I love getting anything unexpected in a subscription box... something that makes me go "so cool"!! I get these in my Strideboxes every month... they always send something non-food that just makes me love the box even more.

  8. Hmm... I always want to try these things but worry that I won't get enough bang for my buck. Thanks for reviewing, maybe I'll get up the courage to give it a shot.

    1. I agree, that's a fear of mine too! I've honestly never had that problem with FitBox Samples!

  9. So happy to have found this review! I've been tossing up the idea of doing some kind of subscription box for my sister as Christmas gift. I'm debating between one like this or just making sveral bags on my own ( with stuff that I pick out for her). I'm debating if I can go to the running store and get a bunch of fun things for less than $14.95 a bag. What do you think?


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