
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Three Things Thursday, Christmas Style

Pretty Christmas Tree

Number One

Tonight, I’m running a Jingle Bell run with my running group. That was a ploy to see how many times I could say “run” in the same sentence! Kidding…

Anyway, out of all our special yearly events, this is by far my favorite. We loop jingle bells onto our shoes and we run down my favorite lake route, after dark, while looking at Christmas lights. It’s amazing. I’ll definitely share soon!

Winter Wonderland
This is not Louisiana – I borrowed this picture from facebook. :0)

Number Two

I’m totally being a Debbie Downer here, but this situation kinda stinks. So, back in November, I was asked to take part as a “host house” in a progressive dinner at Christmas time. I was incredibly excited and slowly began preparing my house about six weeks ago (extra “fluff” outside, put up two trees, etc). I received notice this week that the progressive dinner part has been cancelled. I debated on having a party at my house anyway, but my guest list is kinda small because I was limited on the amount of people I could invite for the progressive dinner…and it’s super close to Christmas…so instead, I think we will just have my family and Jason’s family over for gumbo. I’m excited to hang out with our families (we all love each other), but the general situation stinks, especially because so much work went into all of it. Ah well. Such is life!

Number Three

Contrary to the way I made myself sound in yesterday’s post, I’m not a couch potato. I’m way too ADD to sit on the couch and watch movies – even when Jason and I watch a movie together, I’m usually doing something else at the same time. Basically…if I’m home, there’s a Christmas movie playing on the TV, even though other things are going on at the same time. Oh yes, and I’ve never seen Love Actually. What’s wrong with me?! I definitely will now, thanks to your recommendations!!

Six days until Christmas!


This was from a dinner I attended last week – someone tried to feed Santa a mint!

Anyone finished with their Christmas shopping?


  1. What? You have never seen Love Actually? I could recite much of this movie by heart. You will love it! I also cannot just sit and watch TV.

    1. I know, right?! I am definitely going to remedy that this weekend! Can't wait!

  2. The jingle bell run sounds like fun! I am done with most of my Christmas shopping thanks to online shopping. I only have a few more gifts to buy and they are little thing :)
    Karen @karenlovestorun

    1. That's great! Online shopping has been our best friend this year, too!

  3. You are not alone, i've never seen love actually either! I think I am done shopping ( I hope). So sorry about the progressive dinner, maybe next year!

    1. I'm hoping it works out next year, too. Yay for being finished with your shopping...that's great! Thanks! Have a good weekend! :0)

  4. Oh gosh, one of my favorite all time movies and not just at Christmas either! And I am NOT a rom com kinda girl!
    Even if the party plans fell trough, inviting the fam over for gumbo sounds like a wonderful compromise! Plus you can show off your house :)
    Ok that Jingle bell run sounds like a BLAST too!

    1. Yes, I'm definitely excited to have my family over...hope it all turns out well! Have a great weekend, Desiree! Thank you! :0)

  5. I am so not done with my Christmas shopping...aacckk! I LOVE your Jingle Bell Run idea!!! And...I haven't seen Love Actually either...

    1. Have a great weekend, Mindy...hope the crowds aren't too crazy for shopping!

  6. Replies
    1. Such a good feeling! Your gift STILL hasn't arrived yet...omg.

  7. I also have ADD. I try and try and try to watch movies but I always end up being distracted. You MUST see Love Actually!

    1. Hah! Glad I'm not the only one! Yes, it's definitely a must-do this weekend!

  8. oh my gosh, I watched Love, Actually twice over the weekend! One of my favorite movies. You would love it!! I love the jingle run idea. My group at the gym did a run last night to the National Tree - here were so many groups out there! FUN!

    1. Your group run sounds like a ton of fun!! I love it when lots of groups get together for one times! Have a great weekend!

  9. Your picture with snow, looks like the mitten.. We have so much snow. I would like some warmer weather :)

    1. I'll try and send some your way! I ran in short sleeves and shorts tonight! Crazy!
