The Castaway Cay 5K is a free & untimed event located on Disney’s private island, Castaway Cay. Runners and walkers alike can participate in this event as a part of their Disney Cruise Line itinerary.
I first ran the Castaway Cay 5K during our 2nd Wedding Anniversary cruise in April of 2009. The Castaway Cay 5K was relatively new at the time (anyone know when it actually began?) and I was a relatively new runner, so I was excited to participate!
Recently, I had the chance to participate in the Castaway Cay 5K again (after the 2014 Princess Half Marathon weekend). As I was running this race for the second time, I couldn’t help but compare the obvious differences noticed from the earlier days of this race.
There’s plenty of blogs out there recapping their Castaway Cay 5K adventures, but I thought it would be fun to look back and see the changes made to this race over the course of five years.
With that, let’s take a look back at the Castaway Cay 5K’s early years as compared to present day. Join me as I reminisce! :0)

The daily navigator instructed passengers when and where to meet for the Castaway Cay 5K – no pre-registration required. We met our cast member race guide on the pier around 9:15 a.m. and the run began at 9:30 a.m. (I double checked an old Navigator to be sure).

Those interested in participating in the Castaway Cay 5K are asked to pre-register at the Port Adventures desk prior to their itinerary’s Castaway Cay day. If you were unable to pre-register or ran out of time, there’s no need to panic. As long as this race is not at full capacity (does anyone even know what full capacity for this race is?) runners are allowed to register on the morning of the event.

The Castaway Cay 5K meet-up information can be found in the daily Navigator or on the ticket received at pre-registration. Currently, runners meet in Fathoms on Deck 3 Forward on the Disney Magic, although I could see them outgrowing this location soon. Our group met at 8:15 a.m., but I know it’s different for each cruise ship and itinerary. It is VERY important that you remember to bring your ID with you as they check everyone’s ID prior to leaving the ship. If you forget it in your room, you will be required to go back to your room to get it (learn from my mistake).

Runners receive a bib for this race, although the 5K is not chip timed. There’s also a map of the course available in various locations for studying viewing (one on the big screen in Fathoms, printed maps in Fathoms, and an additional map at the starting location).

Our group was small, as in 15-20 runners. The run also began directly at the pier.

Let’s just say this group has grown about 4 to 5 times in size…

Overall, I think around 80-100 runners participated in the Castaway Cay 5K! With the ever growing popularity of runDisney races and fast sell-out times, I wasn’t surprised one bit!

The race course began at the pier and continued on through the island. It followed a similar course as the one ran today, minus the double loop off the airstrip.

Castaway Cay added an actual start/finish area for the 5K, along with a time clock for an unofficial time. However, runners must walk a 5K in order to get to the starting location. No, seriously – if you’ve ever done a runDisney Half or Full, you know about the loooong walk to the corrals….sound familiar? Same principal here – looooong walk to the start line! The Castaway Cay 5K start line is located near the bike rental area on the island.
If you plan to stay on Castaway Cay after the 5K, there’s a box near the start/finish line where runners are able to store their belongings to retrieve after the race.

There were no signs and no water stops located on the course. I remember this race being incredibly hot and I wasn’t fast enough to keep up with the lead pack, so I thought I was lost (not a soul ahead of me that I could see). There were no signs to show the direction, although I knew if I kept walking (I was on the circle pathway at the time), I would end up back on the airstrip eventually!

Water is provided on the course and runners pass this water station twice. I didn’t stop for water the first time, but did the second time around! Signs are also located throughout the course for runners to find their way.

The Castaway Cay 5K course leads runners from the start line to the airstrip, around the circle path, down the airstrip to Serenity Bay, then back down the airstrip, through the circle path a second time, before leading them out of the airstrip and to the finish line.

After we finished the 5K, we met with our cast member runner guide back at the pier. He took our names and our stateroom numbers, gave us water and a towel, and thanked us for participating.

That night after dinner, a Magical Moments certificate was waiting in my stateroom! I thought it was a nice touch!

Runners are met with an unofficial time clock at the finish line (water is also located in a cooler, not far from this timer).
I somehow came down with the Florida “crud” after the Princess Half on Sunday (the Castaway Cay 5K was on Tuesday)…so needless to say, this wasn’t my best race time-wise.

Finishers of the 5K also receive cute Disney Cruise Line medals for completing the race.
After crossing the finish line, I walked over to the area where a cast member was waiting with a list. She found my name on the list, crossed it off, and presented me with a medal.
At the finish line area, there’s also a store with Castaway Cay 5K merchandise. I purchased a t-shirt and a pin to add to my runDisney race pin collection!

After snapping a few pictures, my mom and I walked back to the ship to wait on my dad and my husband (they took a fishing excursion that morning).

We also stopped for this photo prior to boarding the ship to commemorate our 5K finish!
I had so much fun running the Castaway Cay 5K for a 2nd time and it was fun seeing the changes made over the years. This is a great, free event for runners and walkers alike and I highly recommend it!
My #1 tip for this race is to bring a hat or sunglasses with you because the sun is HOT and BRIGHT. Also, don’t forget to wear sunscreen (ok maybe that’s two tips)…
At any rate, happy running!
Have you ever run the Castaway Cay 5K? What are your thoughts on the race?