
Friday, October 17, 2014

Fitness Friday–10/17

It’s Friday once again! This week seemed to pass by so slowly – yesterday morning I kept thinking, “It so should be Friday right now!” Hah!

My weekend should be pretty exciting – working on my shirts for our upcoming Disney trip, running 14 miles with Heather, and watching our local university’s homecoming game with friends! All in all, I think it’s going to be a great time!


Currently training for:
Disney’s Wine & Dine Half Marathon
Louisiana Half Marathon
Rock ‘n’ Roll NOLA Half Marathon
Glass Slipper Challenge

–  8 mile run plus the Making Strides event
Sunday – Rest Day 
Monday –  3 miles in the rain
Tuesday –  Rest Day
Wednesday – 3 miles with Jason
Thursday – Walking/standing at a parade  for 3 hours – my calves are sore now, it’s so odd!
Friday – 4 miles

Fitness Friday  (2)Fitness Friday  (4)

On Monday, I attempted to dodge the rain, but that didn’t actually happen. I got soaked! It’s ok though – the rain brought a cool front and the temps felt amazing! I also sported my Wine  & Dine shirt for the first time in a while!

Fitness Friday  (5)

After the rain came a gorgeous sunset! My facebook feed was full of pics of this beauty!

Fitness Friday

On Wednesday, Jason and I saw this creature on the side of the road! I’ve only ever seen one other praying mantis in my lifetime and I think was like 8 years old! Needless to say, I was fascinated. :)

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for my Saturday long run! That’s it for me! Here’s to a fabulous weekend…hope it’s a great one! :D

How was your week? What’s your weekend plans?


  1. Great week Karen! Can't wait to see your shirts you're working on for Disney! Good luck on your long run tomorrow! I'm running Gulf Coast Half in Mandeville this weekend!!!

  2. I also feel this was a long week. It certainly didn't help that I thought Tuesday was Wednesday and so forth. Now it's finally Friday!

    1. Ugh that would stink! Hope you had a great weekend, Lesley!

  3. I love your wine n dine shirt! A few years ago I was driving home from work and I looked down and I had a praying mantis sitting on my lap. I freaked out and promptly pulled over to the next parking lot I could find to swoosh him out. I have no idea how he got in my car. Before then I hadn't see one in forever ( if ever) and I hadn't seen one since. -M

    1. OMG that's crazy! I would have freaked out! What a random bug to have in your lap...and in the car no less!

  4. Girl, you're so dedicated to running. I'm so proud of you. I love your Wine and Dine shirt. The glass slipper challenge will be so fun.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I appreciate your kind words! :) Can't wait for GSC!

  5. Great week. Sounds like you have another great one coming up.
