
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Disney Princess Half Trip Recap–Days 3 & 4

Today, I’m back with a recap of Days 3 & 4 from our Princess Half Marathon trip to WDW! No time like the present, right?

Curious what happened on Day 1 and Day 2? Click on the links to check them out! :)

Also, just because it all ties into this trip, here’s a list of previous links for the races!

  • Princess Half Marathon Expo & VLOG
  • Spectating at the Princess 5K
  • Princess 10K Recap & VLOG
  • Princess Half Marathon Recap & VLOG
  • Ok now that’s out of the way, let’s get on to the trip!

    After the Princess 10K, Jason and I had breakfast at Port Orleans Riverside, then returned to our resort to shower and change for a fun day with friends in Epcot and Downtown Disney!

    Walt Disney World (1)

    I love EPCOT!

    First on our agenda was lunch plans with Heather and Bobby at Via Napoli!

    Walt Disney World (7)

    I’d never been here and was excited to try their pizza!

    Walt Disney World (21)

    Those ovens are SO cool!

    Walt Disney World (8)

    We all split an appetizer which was really good! Fried risotto something or another… :)

    Walt Disney World (9)

    All four of us split the hugest pizza I’d ever seen in my life!

    As the waiter was putting the pizza on our table, he accidentally hit my glass of water which caused water to spill directly into my lap. I was in blue jeans which became soaked. Also, it was cold in the restaurant (and outside as well)…not a good combo! The manager was really nice about it, but I think that’s because I was nice about it in return (even though I spent the entire meal sitting in soaking wet blue jeans).  I know that accidents happen but I still think he should have offered some way to make it up. Oh well…thankfully it was just water (thank goodness – it could have been way worse!) and I was mostly dry by the time the meal ended. If nothing else, it made for some good laughs! No harm done – I would love to eat here again!

    After lunch, we rode Spaceship Earth together then said goodbye to Heather and Bobby. Jason and I stayed in the park and explored EPCOT a bit more. We set our fast passes for mid to late afternoon which worked out perfectly!

    Around dinner time, we made our way to Downtown Disney. Our plans included dinner at Earl followed by dessert and Heather’s blogger meetup at Ghirardelli.

    Walt Disney World (13)Walt Disney World (12)

    We found Heather and Bobby and got in a massive crazy line for Earl. Thankfully the line moved super fast and we had our dinner in no time!

    Walt Disney World (14)

    My favorite is the All-American! YUM!

    Walt Disney World (15)

    I always get the same thing at Ghirardelli, too – the caramel quake shake! SO good!

    Walt Disney World (16)

    After a long day, we said goodbye to Downtown Disney and our friends. We had the Princess Half Marathon the following morning and needed our beauty rest! :)

    On Sunday morning after the Princess Half, we visited the Magic Kingdom once again!

    Walt Disney World (2)

    Our fast pass plans included the Mine Train, Buzz, and Big Thunder Mountain.

    Walt Disney World (4)

    I just love the sights and sounds of the parks! :)

    Walt Disney World (3)

    We also went for a spin on the TTA!

    Walt Disney World (17)

    No Disney trip is complete without a Dole Whip!

    Our dinner plans for the evening were at Boma. It had been about six years since our last Boma trip, so I was excited to try it again!

    Walt Disney World (18)

    The food was really good! I enjoy trying and tasting foods from other cultures, so this was a fun restaurant with a nice mix of a variety of choices!

    Walt Disney World (19)

    Our dinner plans were with our friends Randy and Melissa and Melissa’s sister/brother-in-law.

    Walt Disney World (5)

    We had a great meal! Randy even voluntarily wore his Princess medal to dinner! I’m so proud of him!

    Walt Disney World (6)

    After dinner, Jason and I returned to the Magic Kingdom to close down the park. Our last item of  the evening was a final ride on the Mine Train. We got in line minutes before the park officially closed.

    Walt Disney World (20)

    I do love an empty park! :)

    Do you like to try foods from other cultures? When on vacation, do you like to try new restaurants or stick with something you’re familiar with?


    1. Mmmmm those risotto balls look AMAZING! I've never eated at Via Napoli but will have to give them a shot sometime :) I also admit that I've never gotten anything from Ghiradelli except for the free piece of chocolate they give you when you enter the store :P Looks like a fun couple of days!

      1. I think you would like Via Napoli - everything was delicious! Love that free piece of chocolate at Ghirardelli! :D HAHA

    2. Sounds like you got a lot in even after the races! That's hard to do after running a 10K or half that morning :)

      1. You're right, we did! I kinda don't sit still well, especially when I'm at WDW!

    3. We ate at Via Napoli for the first time last month, and it was DELICIOUS! So sad to hear about the waiter's accident. I hope your jeans dried quickly!

      1. es, I loved the food there! Thankfully by the time we got outside, my jeans were about 80% dry. I understand that accidents happen - I am SO glad it was just water and not a fountain drink! LOL

    4. All I can focus on is that giant pizza!!! I know where I'm going post marathon in January now : )

    5. I have never seen a pizza that big! Your posts make me want to go to Disney.

      1. Isn't that crazy?! I'm glad we decided to split it four ways! Haha!

    6. I have not eaten at any of those restaurants! I do want to try Via Napoli next time though!

      1. I think you would like it! The food was delicious there! :)

    7. Nothing like a Dole Whip! I couldn't get to MK in March but the Aloha booth at the F&G festival had mini whips. So good!

      1. I couldn't agree more, nothing like a Dole Whip! :) So glad you had a chance to have one in March!

    8. Oooh, I've been dying to try Via Napoli! That pizza looks INSANE, lol. Sounds like you "do" Disney the same way I do...up super early for races but then still closing down the park. Love all your pictures!! :)

      1. It was crazy insane!! Haha! Yes, it sounds like we definitely do Disney the same way! :) I always tell Jason, I can rest sleep at home - no time for rest when you're at Disney! :D

    9. We try new as any time we get the chance. i'm going to run a Disney race one day :) They look like too much fun not to.

      1. Same here - if it exists in my hometown, I don't want to eat there if I'm on vacation! :) You would love a Disney race!

    10. I want to do this race so bad. I can't get my husband to buy into it... Sigh.. He doesn't want to run for a princess medal.. Please convince him otherwise!

      1. Awww man...bummer! I've seen lots of princes on the course - and you guys could dress up together...aww! :D

    11. So much fun! I like to try new places, but I also like to start my day with some Starbucks ...

      1. Oooh that's a perfect way to start a day! :D
