
Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day Weekend

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend spent with their families. If you're one who lost your father or had to spend Father's Day without him, my heart goes out to you. This was my 2nd Father's Day without my grandfather and I missed him terribly. However, I did get to enjoy the day with Jason's side of the family! We made up a large group and enjoyed lunch together! After it was all said and done, Jason's mom realized she didn't take any pictures...neither did I. #bloggerfail

What I do have pictures of are other events that happened over the course of the weekend!

On Saturday morning, I ran 6 miles with my BRF Heather. Unfortunately, my watch died mid-run (which seems to keep happening lately because I keep forgetting to plug it in).

We enjoyed the run but it was SO humid and warm out, even at 6:30 a.m.! By the time we finished, I was DRENCHED.

After the run, I stopped for my yearly donut run. You see, I love donuts but don't allow myself to have them but about once or twice a year. Patients sometimes bring donuts to us at work, but that hasn't happened in a long I had my own "donut saturday"! :D

For the record, I only deserve a donut after completing a marathon. :) I ate these because I wanted to. Hah!

The puppies enjoyed a donut hole, too! :) Rotten little beggars!

I didn't stop there....after donuts, I spent a few hours outside and pulled weeds in the flower beds. I also made a new froggie friend. Isn't he cute?

Late morning was spent tidying the house up a bit because we had a bridal party workday for an upcoming wedding, which lasted the remainder of the afternoon.

In the middle of all of that, I also made cookies for Father's Day per my Father In Law's request. :) 

In total, my FitBit step count was at 19,600. That's the highest it's been in a while!

Completely off subject, I am LOVING this coffee creamer! SO tasty!!

Last but not least, I face timed with my dad and mom a bit which was fun! Even though I didn't get to spend Father's Day with him, I was still able to say hello and wish him a good day!

Our church also complied a special video for Father's Day which turned out incredibly cute!  You might even see a familiar face or two in there! :)

How was your weekend? Any fun festivities/races/training runs?


  1. Sounds like you had a busy and productive weekend. I had a blast going to the Blueberry Festival in a nearby town with several running friends. I cheered them on during their 5k race and then we ate breakfast and enjoyed all the booths at the festival. Sunday included the beach, a bike ride and golf!

    1. The blueberry festival sounds like so much fun!! What a great weekend!

  2. That coffee creamer looks delicious! I haven't been able to run over 4 miles lately, it's just too darn hot!

    1. The creamer is so good!! Ugh I know what you mean about the heat - Saturday was crazy.

  3. Your church always has such fun videos! I was very thankful to have got to spend time with my father, my grandfather, and all my uncles this weekend. I love family time! -M

    1. Thanks so much! I enjoyed being a part of it! :) So glad you had a great weekend spent with family!!

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend! I volunteered at an Epilepsy walk. My husband loves donuts!

    1. That's awesome! Volunteering is always so much fun! :) Yay for donuts!!

  5. Oh my goodness that cookie dough looks amazing!

    1. I'm not a huge fan of cookie dough, but the cookies sure were yummy! :)
