
Friday, June 26, 2015

Fitness Friday - 2/26

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good week. It's crazy to me that it's almost July!  It will be Christmas before we know it! :)

Currently training for: 
Louisiana Half Marathon
Rock ‘n’ Roll NOLA Half Marathon
Glass Slipper Challenge
Castaway Challenge
Diva’s Half Marathon

Contraband Days 5 Miler
4 on the 4th

Saturday6 mile run with a friend/running group
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday –  3 mile run/walk with Jason; PT exercises - lunges/squats with weights
Tuesday –  3 mile run/walk with Jason; PT exercises - lunges/squats with weights
Wednesday – 2 mile run with Madalynn
Thursday – 3.1 mile run - planning out a 5K route
Friday – Rest Day

Jason and I somehow managed to miss a crazy storm that rolled through - literally minutes after we finished our run/walk. The blue skies in the distance were still visible even though a crazy dark cloud hung over our area - it was super eerie.

To cool off, Pixie and I sat on the porch and watched the storm roll in. 

On Wednesday, I got up early before work and went for a 2 mile run. I decided to take Madalynn because the temps were a little cooler after the previous evening's rain. We had a lot of fun (as always). That girl loves to run! 

Thursday afternoon was spent with a run along a 5K route, measuring the 1 mile, 2 mile, water stops, etc. I'm helping to plan a local 5K that will be held on Saturday morning. The remainder of my evening was spent with other race volunteers, creating packets and loading a trailer. Although Saturday is going to be hot, we're going to have a lot of fun!!

A few other exciting (non-fitness related) things happened this week!

Our official Baseball Hall of Fame membership package arrived! Since we're spending the induction weekend there, we decided to purchase a membership instead of individual tickets for each's actually cheaper that way! 

I was having a rough start to my day on Tuesday and was a little sad (unfortunately, that comes with the job). A friend of mine (who didn't know the situation), surprised me with my a Coke! I was so excited!! I've been looking for a bottle with my name on it since last summer and had yet to find one! This is now a souvenir and is being displayed proudly on a shelf! :)

We were also treated to a special summer treat at work this week! I got banana with cream...that's my norm and it was really good! :)

What's planned for your weekend? Anything fun? Any races/running plans?


  1. Yum! Snowballs!!! LOVE!!! The storms have been crazy this week! A big production of thunder and lightning and crazy clouds...and then no rain! Crazy!

    1. That's crazy! We've had strange storms makes a huge hype with thunder and lightning, then it just rains for like 10 minutes then it stops! So weird.

  2. Great job on your training this week! I'm slowing hitting the training grind again! I'm waiting for my custom orthotics to be done and I can go full blast, but I'll be in the gym!! We are also going furniture shopping this weekend!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Have fun...hope you find something you like!! :)

  3. Great week ( except for your sad part at work). I have been looking for a coke for my dad since last summer. How hard can it be to find one that says "Ray". I thought it was a simple name. I guess not!

    1. That IS strange! Ray is a super common name. Hope you find one! :)

  4. Aww, sorry you had a rough day at work Karen. One of my running friends works as a nurse in the NICU at our local hospital. Lynda has certainly shared some of the struggles of dealing with preemies, and I am certain dealing with cancer patients is very challenging. Hope you have a great weekend. No races for me, but I hope to run 3 miles tomorrow!

    1. Thanks, Pam! Preemies would be hard, too - so small and fragile, I can't even imagine!
