
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weekend Madness

So, I woke up this morning to the incredibly sad news that One Man's Dream is closing at HS in July (here). Say what?! I sure hope this isn't a permanent closure. I loved that they included a tribute to the man who made it all happen - it took a man to start it all, the mouse didn't create himself!

Now that I got that off my chest.......on to my weekend! :)

Yesterday, I shared about our 5K that was held this past weekend. Well, despite the craziness of Saturday morning, my weekend consisted of so much more!

I spent Friday night blowing up balloons for the 5K with a friend...thankfully, I was able to go to bed a little earlier than normal!

My 5K morning began at 4 a.m. We began setup around 5 a.m. and thankfully we had a ton of help!

After the race, we showered then drove to Texas with friends to meet up with my brother and his wife. We had two plans for the day: girls shopping and boys golfing!

We ended up in Katy, Texas at the outlet mall there. Our shopping trip was a success, too!

I've been eyeing  a Kate Spade bag in this color for a while now - I saw they had one, so I texted my husband and he said yes! 

I was an innocent bystander....I promise!

Melissa and Kayla also purchased shoes! It was a great day overall if I do say so myself! :)

Our mid-afternoon snack included pretzels from Wetzels. I had no idea that asking for an "Almond Pretzel with Caramel Dipping Sauce" actually meant pretzel bites in a bag. Oh well, it was delicious but definitely not what I wanted or asked for. The girl behind the counter argued with me, so I just let it go. (Great, now the song is stuck in my head....)

On a positive note, it was delicious!! I ate half and saved the rest for another day - and they rewarmed in the oven just right! :)

Oh Blue Bell. Come back to us, please....

While we shopped, the boys spent time at a Top Golf range in Katy. They had a blast and didn't stop talking about their experience the rest of the afternoon! 

We had dinner in Katy at the Cheesecake Factory and it was delicious! 

After dinner, Jason and I split a slice of Turtle Cheesecake!

Sunday was our patriotic service at church where we paid tribute to the men and women who helped pave our path for Freedom. We also celebrated our country's birthday - it was awesome!

Somewhere in all of that madness, I also spent time playing with my two favorite little girls! 

I didn't even have a chance to "run" on Saturday but managed 10,000 steps by 10 a.m.! At the end of the day, I was around 20,000 steps! Boy was I tired and definitely enjoyed a Sunday afternoon nap!

How was your weekend? Do you like to shop?


  1. Oh no! I had not seen the news about One Man's Dream. That is really sad if it's permanent!

    Love your new bag; it gorgeous!!

    1. Right?! I'm so sad!! Thank you...since I've been eyeing the bag for a while, I figured it was time! :)

  2. I love the texts back and forth between you and your husband. At least he didn't say that you should return the purse!

    1. Hahah well, I kinda did ask permission first! :)

  3. Do I like to shop? OH man.... is that even a question? Haha I'm super jealous of your beautiful Kate Spade bag over here.

    1. I understand completely! Shopping can be so much fun!! :)

  4. I was also eyeing up a bag that same color. I'm thinking it would make a great work bag come fall! Glad you had a great time!

    1. Love that color, it's such a pretty bag! :) Thanks so much!

  5. I haven't eaten at cheesecake factory in years. SO fun!

  6. Ha! I got the turtle cheesecake too on Sunday!

  7. Love the blue bag! Bags are my thing! The puppies are just too cute!!

  8. Love your new bag Karen. Very pretty color and yes, it was worth tripping and falling for the bag. wink wink!
