
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015 4 Miler on the 4th Recap

This past weekend, I ran a 4th of July 4 Miler in my hometown! It's a yearly tradition that I've missed twice since I began running - once because I was recovering from IT Band issues and again because it fell on the weekend of my grandfather's funeral.

This time though, our area was offering a special medal for running their 3-race series which began in March and continued through July! All four of us began the journey together and we all completed it together!

The night before the race, I laid out all of my clothes and accessories - after last year's fiasco, I wanted to make sure i was prepared! (By the way, stay tuned this week for a special review/giveaway of non-slip headbands from KatieDid Productions!)

Thankfully, I woke up with my alarms and made it to the start of the race with plenty of time to spare! YAY!

As the race began, I felt great - I knew it was going to be a great morning and it felt as if everything just "clicked".......until my skirt began to give me fits. You see, this sparkle stars running skirt is a slip on - one that doesn't have bottoms attached. I'm dumb and forgot to pin the skirt to my compression shorts (like I ALWAYS DO). Therefore, the skirt kept riding up the entire race. I know it wasn't riding up terribly far, but it was enough to make me uncomfortable.

This course was out and back and on the two miles out, I felt great and my pace was on target. They had plenty of water stops and even included a few with gatorade.

On the mile back, I felt as if I gave this race everything I had in my tank - it was hot and humid, the sun was beating down with very little shade, and my legs felt very heavy. I kept asking myself, "are you SURE this is all you got?" and yes, I know without a shadow of a doubt that it was. I just couldn't give anymore.

My friend and his wife stood at the finish line and handed out high fives as runners came through...I loved it!

As I approached the finish line, I saw my PR slowly tick by. Four seconds off. FOUR.

I wasn't too upset about it, though. I mean, you seriously can't PR every single one. I went out, had fun, and got some miles in with friends on the 4th...what more could I have asked for?

My husband captured this picture of me after crossing the finish line...teeheee!

After a little recovery, I went out in search of my Triple Crown Medal!

Triple Crown complete - Athletes Corner 3 Miler, Contraband Days 5 Miler, and 4 on the 4th!

After my friends crossed the finish line, we had fun with the podiums! 

Then exhaustion took over!

After hanging around for a few minutes, we decided to have breakfast at a local diner! It was so good! The french toast was like powdered sugar overload!

I appreciate my husband and dad for coming out and cheering us on during the race! It was great having them there!

Following the race, we spent a little time at  a co-workers house for a 4th of July party!  I took to Pinterest for dessert ideas and I love the way it turned out! Thanks, Pinterest!

Love this patriotic Mickey flag from Walgreens!

On Saturday night, we had my parents over for BBQ. We also had Star Wars mac & cheese...just because. 

 After dinner, we drove downtown to see the fireworks. We also met up with Kenzie and her family again!

Such a fun end to a fun day!

Does your area have any 4th of July celebrations? Race/Parade/Fireworks, etc?


  1. We have fireworks on the levee in Baton Rouge but we always stay home & watch all the fireworks in our subd. Love that they had a special medal for doing all the races.4 seconds is a bummer but geeze it's sooooo hot & humid. Everyone must have looked at Pinterest. We had that same dessert at our party & I've seen it on several blogs!

    1. That's awesome! So funny y'all had the same dessert...yes, I definitely scouted pinterest for ideas before the party!

  2. Looks like such a fun race tradition to have. Sorry you missed it twice. I LOVE your patriotic running skirt.

    Our area has tons of 4th celebrations and fireworks. Actually my own town has their fireworks on the 11th and they are some of the best. I like that its a week later. Gives us a little something extra to look forward too since the 4th weekend is always so busy!

    1. That's ok...I always enjoy running this race again! :) That's cool that the fireworks are a week later!

  3. Looks like you had a great 4th! Sorry you missed the PR by 4 seconds!!

    1. That's can't PR them all and I'm ok with that! :) Thanks!

  4. Congrats on another great race! You're right, you can't PR every race, but its so frustrating to be so close and only off by a couple of seconds!

  5. Too bad about the close PR, but great job running that fast in the heat.

  6. Great job on your race! I usually avoid all summer races as a self preservation method. Once it starts cooling down again in July, then I'm game for racing.
