
Monday, July 13, 2015

Running and Shopping and Organizing

Happy Monday! I hope you all had an amazing weekend! Mine was filled with running and girl time and de-cluttering. Perfect weekend for me! :)

On Saturday morning, I met up with my BRF and our running group for a 6 mile run. We are keeping our long runs to low mileage during the summer months because its just so dang humid and hot.

After the run, I enjoyed coffee from my Princess mug! Happy registration week, by the way!

On Saturday, Kenzie and I drove out of town to pick up our bridesmaids dresses for an upcoming wedding. We also ate at Shoney's for old time sake!

Other fun adventures included snow cones and dancing fairy wings in the Dollar Tree. Yes, that really happened and it was amazing.  Those poor shoppers, though....

The purpose of our fairy wings? The Tinkerbell Half Marathon! We are planning a girls trip to Tink in Disneyland in May and I am so excited!! More on that later. 

The remainder of my weekend was spent de-cluttering my house. So far, I've gotten through everything in the guest bathroom and the guest bedroom. It feels SO good to throw things away. It's incredibly therapeutic to me!

I managed to create two bags of trash from this room and I have a box of things to give away! YAY!

On Sunday after church, I ate lunch at Jason's Deli with my parents. I love their salad bar!

Last but not least, I gave my niece her first pair of Minnie ears this weekend! She saw them and said "MOUSE! EARS!" It was adorable! This is her "cheeeeseee" face...hehe!

Sunday evening ended with a gorgeous sunset!

Another weekend filled with many fun times has come and gone! I hope you had a great one, too!

How was your weekend? Do you like to de-clutter and throw/give things away?


Don't forget about my KatieDid Productions Non-Slip Headbands giveaway happening right now! Contest ends Thursday at midnight so enter now for your chance to win TWO non-slip headbands of choice!


  1. Shoney's! Oh man, the memories.

    I'm in the process of trying to clean/organize myself which usually results in me just throwing stuff away haha

    1. Oh yes, there's plenty of throwing away going on here, too!

  2. I always feel so accomplished when I get a room all de-cluttered. Unfortunately it doesn't take long for it to look a mess again!

    1. I understand that feeling completely! Haha!

  3. We just installed laminate floors in our whole house - it has forced me to do serious decluttering. I still have a mini mountain in my living room that can NOT go back in the bedrooms :)

    1. NICE! That's definitely a good reason to de-clutter! :)

  4. That picture of you and your niece is adorable! So cute!

  5. I don't love the decluttering process but love when it's done!! Disneyland is going to be soooo awesome!!
