
Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Running

Happy Monday! Today, I'm blogging from my parents house because the AC in our home decided to pick the hottest day of the summer to stop working. The temperature in my house went from 72 to 82 in no time flat (and at night at that)! Insane. Before we could experience oven like temperatures, we packed up all our stuff and stayed at my parents house instead! I'm crossing my fingers and praying really hard that they can fix our AC today and that it's nothing major. Ah well...I'll know more later today!

Onto my long run this was HUMID, y'all. Ugh.

My weekend began with a short run on Friday after work. We had a half day and I had a ton going on for the weekend so I really just needed to clear my mind.

I ran around the lake and enjoyed the pretty day. About midway through the run, I decided to check the temps because it felt rather hot outside.

Lesson learned: I will always check the temps BEFORE going for a midday July run!

Thankfully, this guy was a lifesaver! I love having this water fountain along my running route!

Despite the heat, I had a great run and enjoyed the opportunity to gather my thoughts before the crazy weekend began! 

On Saturday morning, my running group began their Fall training season! I always love the first day of GoRun - there's so many new faces and everyone's excited about the upcoming year and what it holds!

This time, I checked the weather before I left my house (around 6:00 a.m.) and the humidity level was already at 91%.  The air was so thick, it was gross.

The humidity really slowed me down on Saturday morning and I was drenched by the time it was all said and done. I originally intended on 6 miles but stopped at 5 instead...I just couldn't take it anymore!

This watermelon at the finish was my saving grace! SO good!! 

Hi, my name is drenched. I just joined GoSwim...I mean GoRun!

The most exciting part about my run was the fact that I received a new training schedule for the Fall/Winter! I love having a new training schedule on my really helps keep me motivated!

After the run, I helped host a Wonderland themed bridal shower for one of my best friends! The shower was beautiful and completely unique to the bride...we all loved it! More on the shower tomorrow! :)

Have a wonderful day!!

How was your weekend? Did you run? Any races?


  1. The weather was so brutal this weekend! I only made it 4 miles on Saturday morning. 102 almost killed me!

  2. This heat is killer right? I managed an early morning run over the weekend. It was still hot, but the sun wasn't at it's full force yet, so it was bearable.

    1. That's good! I agree that early mornings are the best way to go! :)

  3. Oh no! Hope the AC is fixed SOON! It is SO hot hear on the East Coast I can only imagine what the temperature must feel like in LA.

    I can't wait to hear more about the shower. I saw a peek on IG and thought it was so cute!

    1. It's fixed...although it took the entire day for the temps inside the house to return to normal!

  4. I know the sweaty feeling. I need to get a beach towel to keep in my car so I don't sweat up the seat after I run.

    1. I definitely have one and it''s been a lifesaver many times! :)

  5. Sorry to hear about the AC. Hopefully its nothing major and you can head back home soon!

  6. Oh I so hope the AC isn't a major thing. Our electricity went out the other day for about an hour & I thought I was going to die! Sat was a hard, hot run. I started at 6:00 too.

    1. Ugh yes, that stinks!! Glad all is back to normal again! :)

  7. Girl this heat and humidity is killer! I'm so ready for fall! Hope you get the AC fixed soon!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Mindy! Thank goodness it's finally fixed!! :D

  8. This weather is so crazy. I am ready for a cool down to hit the South.
