
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

This Is Really Good-Princess Half Marathon Edition

Now that the drama and stress of yesterday is gone (registering for the Princess Half Marathon, I mean), it's time for the fun to begin! Honestly, though - I haven't been that stressed in a long time. Wow, it was madness! I heard that the GSC sold out in less than 25 minutes!!

Anyway, today's Wordless Wednesday theme is entitled "That is really good"! Last time, I chose to share about my favorite restaurant on property, Ohana. Today, I'm taking a completely different turn to share  another one of my favorite things, the Princess Half Marathon!

Today’s Wordless Wednesday theme is: This is really good!
Host: Deb at Focused on the Magic

Why do I think the Princess Half Marathon is really good? Well, there's the random running-into of friends, there's characters along the way, great scenery and really cool behind-the-scenes things to see, and there's bling. Oh yes, and Mickey waffles always taste better after 13.1 or 19.3 miles! 


Want to participate in an upcoming Wordless Wednesday? Click on the button below for more details!

Focused on the Magic

What's your favorite part of the Princess Half Marathon? If you haven't participated in Princess, what's your favorite thing about runDisney events in general?


  1. I love EVERYTHING about Princess Half Marathon!!! So much fun and so magical!!!

  2. It's amazing how good Disney food tastes after all those miles.

  3. My sister runs marathons. I do not. But she knows I'm a Disney geek and she's been trying to get me to run the half with her sometime. Your pictures here are another push in the right direction. This looks like so much fun!

    1. Aww you would love it! It's such a fun way to see "behind the scenes" things that you wouldn't normally see on a daily basis!

  4. That Mickey waffle is everything!!

  5. What fun shots with the characters. Love your running outfit too!

  6. Love your pictures! Wish I would have stopped for Mary Poppins!

    1. Thanks so much! :) Just gives you a reason to run it again!

  7. I'm super excited for you on princess registration!!!! Glad you made it through.. :)
    Sad face over here. :(

    1. Thanks so much...but yes, major sad face.... :((

  8. I have never done a Disneyrun (we live in England), but it looks like so much fun!

  9. Can I just say you always have amazing costumes for your marathons! I love it

  10. Love!
    I also love the #DisneySide version of carb loading. :)

  11. Awesome pics, I love the Princess Marathon weekend!!

  12. Great pictures and I adore that you ended with my very favorite, the Mickey waffle!!

  13. Fantastic pictures. I get a real feel for what it's like from them.The Princess Marathon looks so good! I love that you finish it with Mickey Waffles! My favorite:)

  14. What fun! I'm doing my 1st runDisney event (the 10K) at WDW Marathon weekend. Can't wait!

    1. YAY! I know you're going to have an amazing time!!

  15. Great Pics, sooo hoping I manage to book a place when RunDisney comes to Paris. x

    1. Ooooohhhh I'm so jealous!!!! That race is on my to-do list for sure! :)
