
Monday, July 6, 2015

Virtual 4th of July 4 Miler (Gone For A Run)

On Friday, I completed Gone For A Run's All 4 Run Virtual 4th of July race! Since I was off of work on Friday, I decided to wake up early (hah) and run before the temperatures became too warm outside.

My plan for this run was to take it easy since I had another 4 mile race the following day. I also planned to run around the same time as my race the following day, to get a feel for the temperature/humidity.

Ugh. It was hot and incredibly humid. 

I managed to keep a pace just below a 10 minute mile. In addition to the heat, my legs were incredibly sore from the Tone It Up Kettlebell workout I did on TUESDAY. Y'all - I thought I was doing enough squats and lunges on my own and hello...apparently not. I see more kettlebells in my future!

Look who I spotted during my run! He decided to eat breakfast early to avoid the crazy heat of the day, too! :)

After returning home, I awarded myself with this lovely medal and called it a day! :) Overall I had a fun race and enjoyed the experience!

Gone For A Run puts on many great events throughout the year - check out their Virtual Race Series here. Be sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest and greatest product/race information!

As a Gone For A Run Ambassador, I received free entry into this virtual race. All opinions expressed are my own. :)

Did your weekend plans include a 4th of July race/run?


  1. I thought this race had some nice swag. You look so cute in your red, white, and blue!

  2. I refuse to race during the summer because it's just so hot here. Maybe I could do a treadmill race? haha

  3. I ran this race on Friday too! Love the medal and shirt!!

  4. This is awesome! I'm super excited to run! My orthotics will be in this week, so you know what that means!!!! Love the medal and shirt!

    1. YAY! Hope you've enjoyed running with them!

  5. I made sure to get a run in Sat. morning to somewhat balance out the treats I would be enjoying!! I saw a bunny on my run this morning!

  6. The shirt and medal for this race were adorable! I can't wait to try the tank on when I'm no longer pregnant.
