
Friday, August 21, 2015

Fitness Friday - 8/21

Currently training for: 
Gulf Coast Half Marathon

Princess Half Marathon (Glass Slipper Challenge)
Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon

Saturday – 6 mile run with the running group
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday –  PT exercises - lunges/squats
Tuesday –  3.25 miles on the TM
Wednesday – PT exercises - lunges/squats
Thursday – 2.25 miles on the TM
Friday – Rest Day

This weekend, I'm planning a long run with the running group (might stretch to seven miles...we'll see)!  I'm also going out of town for an overnight Bachelorette party which should be fun!

In the meantime, here's a glimpse of my week:

Early morning treadmill run

Good morning snuggles from the fur-kids!

My recent Influenster "I Do" VoxBox will get put to good use over the next two weeks with the upcoming bachelorette party and wedding! 

I tested out the Covergirl Outlast Stay Luminous foundation for last weekend's bridal luncheon and I loved it! 

Smooth coverage all day! 

Speaking of the bridal luncheon, we had a fabulous time! :)

Last but not least, my sweet girl loves to watch for the neighborhood cat and it's so cute! I heart this girl!

How was your week? Any weekend plans?
Disclaimer: As part of the Influenster Blogger Network, I received the Influenster VoxBox free of charge. All opinions stated are my own.


  1. Great week of training Karen! And your puppy is soooo adorable!!! Hope you have a great long run this weekend!

  2. What a cute name for that Vox Box! I love your dress you wore to the bridal luncheon!

  3. I love the weather we've been having and I can have the window blinds up. Allie loves to look outside, and if I'm not careful, she'll have nose prints on the glass.

    1. Too funny! There are nose prints on mine...just means I have to clean it more often! :)

  4. I'm running seven Saturday too for a half marathon I'm training for :)
