
Friday, August 7, 2015

Four For Friday

Happy Friday! Here's to another fun and relaxing weekend! After this weekend, the wedding madness begins with back to back to back events, so I'm taking advantage of the relaxing while I can! :)

Since I haven't shared anything like this in a while, I thought I would do so today!

#1: This past Sunday, my family attended an Astros game! My husband and Brian's wife were unable to go with us, so the four of us went together! It was rather funny and felt quite odd being just the four of us again, but it brought back wonderful memories of summer vacations to Houston and attending Astros games...we had an awesome time!

#2 Speaking of Astros, a tradition of mine is to get ice cream in a little plastic helmet at each game. Since they were  out of helmets, (naturally) I went with ice cream in Orbit (the mascot) instead! 

#3 Over the past few weeks, we've celebrated both my mom and my brother's birthdays! 

Gotta love a good photo bomb! :)

Happy Birthday, Mother!

Happy Birthday, Brian!

#4 Madalynn had surgery this week to remove several lumps and tumors from her body. She had one in particular that I was a little nervous about. The vet did see worrisome cells under the microscope, so she sent the biopsy off for pathology. The lesion was small and in a resectable area, so I think they will be able to go back in and get clear margins if need be.

By that afternoon, she was back to her silly little self!

Hope you have an amazing Friday and an incredible weekend!

What are your weekend plans? Anything exciting?


  1. Glad to hear that it didn't take Madalynn long to be back to her normal self. Its never easy as a dog mama to see our babies in pain.

  2. We've had a few vacations/trips where it was just my sister and parents and it always fun to feel like a family again when we were kids!

    Your mom's cake looks fabulous!

    I hope things turn out okay with Madalynn. Our lab had a similar surgery this year. That stuff can be pretty scary!

  3. I think my most favorite dessert is just a regular birthday cake with buttercream icing & I love a good cookie cake!! I hope little Madalynn is ok! She's adorable.

    1. Ooooh yes that sounds delicious too! Thank you...Madalynn is doing well! :)
