
Monday, August 10, 2015

One To Remember!

Saturday's long run was definitely one I'll remember forever!

Heather and I set out on our usual 6 mile run, this time the route took us along a river.

It's a beautiful route, one I love to run early in the morning because we are always greeted with a gorgeous sunrise!

This route is out and back and on our way back, Heather thought she saw a pair of alligator eyes peeping out of the water. We've seen alligators in the river before so that wasn't anything unusual to us. We stopped to get a better look and we soon realized it wasn't an alligator that we were seeing.

Floating on top of the water was what appeared to be a bunch of bubbles (maybe from a school of fish)? As we got even closer, Heather commented that the "bubbles" were slimy and looked like frog heads...definitely not fish! Neither of us had ever seen a bunch of frogs grouped together in the water like we looked even closer.

That's when we realized what we were actually seeing - one of the "frog/bubbles" put it's head under water and it's body slithered to the top. It wasn't an alligator, bubbles, or was SNAKES. A group of about 12 water moccasins hanging out, right there in the water, near the edge. (We later found out this is called a "den"...omg.)

I'm pretty sure my heart almost fell out of my chest as we both took off running as fast as possible. That was the fastest sprint I've been able to muster all summer!

Thankfully, all of the snakes stayed in the water where they belonged. However, I'm am 100% sure now that you will never ever ever get me into that lake...ever. Water here in Louisiana is incredibly murky, so you can't even seen a foot below the surface....which already creeps me out. This made it even worse!

I'll stick to the dry ground with my bird friend here and just enjoy the sunrise instead!

Ever had a scary wildlife experience while out for a run?


  1. HOLY CRAP!!! Water moccasins scare me to death - I think I would have died on the spot, seeing so many all at once! Bet your pace was super fast as you ran away from them!

    1. So scary! I am glad we didn't disturb them! I had a dream last night that they chased us down the road!

  2. I love very early morning runs, they are so beautiful! For a moment I was in suspense and thought you were going to say you found a body floating in the lake!!!! I just heard on the news this weekend about a guy that took a selfie with a snake and it turned around and bit him. He had to get the anti-venom ( or whatever it is called) from several different hospitals because he needed so much of it. I guess his arm turned all purple but he survived.

    1. OMG that would have been CRAZY! Haha! That dude is snake selfies here!

  3. Water moccasins terrify me! I don't want to see any snake slithering in water. Those tricky little things!

  4. Gross!! That's a run that will be in the books forever!

  5. Oh my goodness girl! I had no clue snakes would hang together like that! Scary! And yes if I can't see the bottom this girl doesn't get in the water!

    1. I didn't either until we googled it later! CRAZY!

  6. YUCK! After my run Sunday I was going to get in the pool & almost stepped on a snake on my patio. My heart rate was definitely up more than on my 10 mi. run!

    1. OMG that would have freaked me out! Glad all was ok!

  7. O. M. G. I would have died. Thankfully they didn't chase you; those things are mean!

    1. Right?! I had a dream last night that they did chase us. OMG.
