
Monday, August 24, 2015

Running Through Soup

On Saturday morning, my friend Heather and I attempted our longest run all summer. Over the past few months, we've been sticking to 6 mile runs and haven't really pushed beyond that.

Saturday was different, though. Our new Fall training schedule began increasing the mileage gradually and as I inspected it on Friday night, I saw that we did indeed have 8 miles on the schedule this week.

The only thing I wasn't expecting was that we would run all 8 miles through what felt like a bowl of hot, thick, steamy soup. Lovely.

I even commented on Friday night to Heather that if the weather stayed the same as it was that evening (cool, no humidity, beautiful night), we would have an amazing run!

Well, it didn't stay the same.

The humidity must have been lonely because it came back in full force! YUCK!

Ah well, we made it through all 8 miles without any issues and had a great time along the way! For the first time in a while, I actually felt REALLY knee didn't bother me, my legs felt light, and I felt as if I could run forever. Saturday's run was just what I needed to begin boosting my confidence for this half marathon training season!

How was your weekend? Did you run this weekend? Participate in a race? Hope you had a great one!


  1. Our humidity came in full force Saturday too. Not 98% but my liquids were sweating along with myself. It hadn't been that humid in quite a while.

  2. I ran yesterday & it was soooo hot! Not a dry thread on me & sweat dripping from my visor. I talked to some people that ran Sat. & Sun. & said Sat. was worse so I really feel for y'all.

    1. Isn't that awful? I can't wait for cooler weather!!

  3. I had a pretty good 5 mile run last night! That of course is because I ran at night and the humidity was really low. I never run at night but I think I might start cus it was the most comfortable run i've had in a long time.

    1. Oh yes...that's a great idea, too! I might have to start doing that consistently until it cools down some.

  4. Ughh the humidity can just go away! I did a Glow Run 5K this weekend. Even though the race was at night, I was still disgustingly sweaty from the heat.

    1. YES it needs to leave! the glow run sounds like fun! Sorry it was so hot!

  5. Hi Karen!

    So glad that your knee seems to be doing better! I was wondering if you may be able to share the lunge/squat rehab routine that worked for you. I have been in PT for a few months for ITBS and it seems it just won't clear up, so I'm trying to research what else I could do to speed up recovery.

    Thanks so much in advance!


    1. Hi Adrienne! I absolutely can do that!! Thanks for the suggestion...I'll let you know when it goes live! :)

  6. Good for you sticking it out through the humidity! There is no worse way to run than through the humidity!
