
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Astros Star Wars Day

As a last minute whim, my family and I decided to attend an Astros game on Sunday afternoon. It was my dad's idea and my mom, brother, and I decided to join in the fun!

We left super early on Sunday morning in order to make it to Minute Maid Park before the crowds.

I spied my buddy Craig hanging out before the game, so I decided to stop and say hello! Ok...maybe not, but a girl can dream, right?

The traditional photo with Mickey was a must! :)

It was Star Wars Day at Minute Maid Park, so the Star Wars characters were out for photo ops throughout the stadium! 

When we purchased seats for the game, the only decent seats remaining were in the club we went for it! 

Cushioned, larger seats and a waitress to take your order during the game so you don't miss essential plays? We'll take it! 

They also had a fresh stock of BLUE BELL! Hellooooo my love! 

My lunch consisted of grilled chicken quesadillas! They serve traditional ballpark food in the Club level but they also have a variety of additional options as well! 

Since it was Star Wars Day, the Astros mascot (Orbit) was dressed as Yoda! Later in the game, he changed into Orbit-Wan Kenobi! 

The scoreboards were also changed to reflect the day's theme! (Insert Light Saber bat!)

I enjoyed spending the day with my brother and parents!

When this thanks from Blue Bell appeared on the screen, the entire stadium cheered! It was rather amusing! :)

Love this park! 

The Astros were behind 2-0 most of the game, then they turned it around with a grand slam and a few extra runs! In the end, the Astros won! YAY!

We had a fun day and enjoyed the Astros victory! Can't wait for the next one!!

Do you live close to a professional sports team? If so, do you attend any games?

Don't forget to enter my Rubba Ducks Giveaway! It ends on Thursday at midnight! Rubba Ducks can be found in the Boathouse Restaurant at Disney Springs!!


  1. What a fun day with your family. We visited the Astrodome for a game many years ago when we lived in Texas. It is a great stadium and I love that they sell Blue Bell there too!

  2. How fun! I live kinda close to the Atlanta Braves so I've been to a few of their games. They are so fun and there's nothing quite like a good game with good friends.

  3. Looks like you had a great time! We live a few hours near the Detroit Tigers..,

  4. How fun!!! I LOVE that they did a Star Wars day!!!!

  5. I'm sorry, I blanked out after the Blue Bell picture. Why oh why aren't they shipping to Dallas yet?

  6. We have a professional CFL football team in our province so I've been to their games, but no other teams. The closest ball team in over a three hour flight away (not sure how many driving hours, but lots!). A MLB ball game is high on my bucket list!

  7. Blue bell! We don't have it at our grocery store yet but hopefully it's coming soon!
