
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend Happenings

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone has a great start to their work week and enjoyed their Labor Day Weekend! I had plans to do...umm...nothing this weekend and I still got a ton accomplished! Love it when that happens! :)

The weekend began on Friday afternoon with a lot of weed-pulling and plant trimming. I worked until sunset, then resumed again on Saturday morning after my run!

Woohoo! Looks and feels so much better! Apparently this is a Labor Day weekend tradition for me - it was on my timehop the past two years!

On Saturday morning, I met up with Heather for a 10 mile run around town. Part of our route led us by the lake, the other part led us through the various streets of our downtown area. Of course, my favorite part of the entire run was the sunrise over the lake!

We even saw a crawfish trying to cross the road and we saved him from certain death out of the goodness of our hearts.

He did NOT appreciate our generosity.  Shellfish.

This run was very difficult because we started with 99% humidity. The air was super thick and it was impossible to get a breathing pattern down. By the end of it, the sun was rising which helped burn off some of the humidity, but it wasn't much better. Thankfully, we finished the run anyway and are well on our way to crossing the finish line of the Mandeville Gulf Coast Half Marathon in October! Can't wait!!

Have you guys seen these? I bought them at Target last week and have slowly been eating on the pack ever since! It's apple flavored twizzlers filled with caramel! If you're a fan of caramel apple flavored foods, you'll love these! I'll admit,  I was skeptical at first but now I want to get another pack!

I also tried the Blueberry Pineapple Fruit Tea Chiller from Wendy's and it was really good! 

My final task for the weekend was to decorate for Fall! It took the course of Saturday afternoon and Monday morning, but it's all complete! Fall is my second favorite holiday next to it! :)

Apart from an Astros game on Sunday (more on that later), that's basically the course of my do-nothing weekend! Oh yes, I also took several naps. Those are important, too!

How was your Labor Day Weekend? Anything relaxing/exciting/running related happen?


Don't forget to enter my Rubba Ducks Giveaway! It ends on Thursday at midnight! Rubba Ducks can be found in the Boathouse Restaurant at Disney Springs!! 


  1. Sounds like you had a great labor day weekend! I had a long run planned too, but having a summer cold is the weirdest thing, so that didn't happen. I am also getting my fall decorations out! I love fall next to Christmas as well!

    1. Oh man I hate summer colds! Hope you feel better soon!! :)

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! Mine was full of running, friends, football, and the beach! Fun!

    1. So much fun!! Glad you had a great one, Mindy!

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous sunrise! Such a great treat, especially over a holiday weekend!

  4. I decorate my office more than my apartment and I put fall stuff out before the long weekend. I'll get more out once we hit October since it's all Halloween stuff.

    1. Aww that's a cute idea! We decorate at work as well!

  5. I need to weed & trim everything too. It's just so hot. Once I run I feel like that's all the heat I can take. I need to do my fall decorating too. So much to do!

    1. Girl I hear you! Luckily, I was shaded all of Saturday morning with the way the house faced the sun!

  6. Your landscaping looks gorgeous! We worked on ours this weekend too! It so hard to bring out the fall decor when it is still 95 degrees out! I'm not complaining though because i'm sure we'll see snow soon enough!

    1. Thanks so much! I understand completely...can't wait for real Fall temperatures but that won't happen until November! Oh well.
