
Monday, September 28, 2015

Long Run & A Relaxing Weekend

This weekend was a fairly relaxing one for me and I enjoyed every moment!

On Friday afternoon, I cleaned out several cabinets in the laundry room (cleaning and throwing stuff away is very therapeutic to me)! I also caught up on Grey's Anatomy and Dancing with the Stars.

Saturday morning's run made me very happy because it was the first time I had the opportunity to wear my For Two Fitness shirt!

This shirt is so comfortable and fits so well...I love it! There's definitely room in the sides to grow with the baby! 

As soon as I got home, I ordered two more - one with short sleeves and one with long sleeves! For Two Fitness is having a Fall sale right now - use code FALL25 for 25% off everything in their shop! (Note: I am not affiliated with For Two Fitness, I just love their clothing and want to share in the sale happiness!)

I used my new pre-run formula again (a tbsp of almond butter and a Clif bar) which again held me over until the end of the run! YAY! Two gold stars for almond butter!

After completing the run, I realized I forgot my banana at home...whoops! Instead, I dug through my bag and found this guy! It was already opened because I sampled it for my Bulu Box review...but about 1/2 the pack remained. 

HOW one earth I missed the smiley faces  last time, I have no clue! Aren't these adorable?!

Again, I enjoyed the flavor/consistency of these chews and the scripture on the back made me smile! These are making my "amazon list" next time I place an order!

Something else that has not taken place after a long run in a while was a Panera stop! This time, I ordered a French toast bagel for me and an blueberry bagel for Jason.....with honey walnut cream cheese spread...YUM!

The remainder of Saturday was spent doing a few continuing education units for work and piddling around the house (laundry, de-cluttering, etc).

This girl and I also spent a lot of quality time together on Saturday afternoon! She's so sweet!!

Since my appetite wasn't very high on Saturday (I basically ate lunch and dinner because I had to), I definitely made up for it on Sunday! 

I love the chicken gyro's from a local pizza good! It definitely made for a yummy Sunday lunch!

On Sunday night after church, several friends and I went to a local pizza buffet for dinner. It was my suggestion because I wanted pizza all weekend but was home alone for most of it. Glad my friends agreed to indulge with me!! :) Unfortunately, we weren't able to see the eclipse or the blood moon because the cloud coverage was so thick. Oh well.

Hope you had a great weekend! Were you able to check out the eclipse? Anything exciting happen this weekend?


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! Your new two for fitness shirt is so cute on you!!! And no blood moon for us either because of the clouds. :-(

    1. Thanks! It's so much fun to wear! :) Ugh I hate that the clouds were so bad last night! Sad times...

  2. I wish I knew you were already ordering those shirts, I am mailing you some!

  3. I love those shirts they are so cute. I had a pretty laid back weekend, lots of relaxing. I made Red Lobster rethink their endless shrimp deal!!!! I should have stopped in the double digits. Heartburn is real lol

    1. Thanks Heather! Oh my gosh that sounds amazing! Wish we had a Red Lobster around here...

  4. I love pizza buffets! I didn't see the moon either. It was cloudy here all day & I was too lazy to walk outside to see if we could see it!

    1. Haha! I'm sad the clouds covered it! I was looking forward to seeing it!!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend spending quality time with friends and the puppies! I started to see the moon being covered but then went to bed. It would have been past my bedtime to wait up to see what happened. I did hear other folks say that it was a bit cloudy though.

    1. I understand was kinda late here, too!

  6. I'm a huge fan of the For Two Fitness line. Their tops are so comfortable, even as my baby belly has grown. Hope you continue to like them!

    1. SO comfortable, I couldn't agree more! Thanks, Kathryn!

  7. Love that tank, super cute! !!!
    What a fun week and I am jealous of all the yummy food. Although I did go out on a girls night with my mom and sisters and we had a yummy meal that night.
    Sorry it was cloudy where you were and you couldn't see the moon and eclipse. It was beautiful I was lucky it cleared up here just in time.

    1. Oooh your girls night sounds like fun!! :) Glad you were able to see the eclipse!!
