
Monday, October 12, 2015

2015 Making Strides

This past Saturday, our local American Cancer Society held its annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event! The weather was perfect for this event and we had a great time!

After a 6 1/2 mile run with Heather (more on that later), I met up with my work crew for the 5K event. It's advertised as a walk, but lots of people end up running, too!

After discussing plans with my "work twin", we decided to stick together for the event. She wanted to run the whole thing - I was iffy. Since I have a half marathon coming up this weekend, I didn't want to overdo it. However, the weather was perfect and I felt I agreed to start with her, knowing I might have to walk eventually.

People get us mixed up all the time...haha!

The event took its usual neighborhood route which was well manned by volunteers so we didn't get lost! In the end, we made one porta-potty stop (baby bladder) and walked once after the water stop. We didn't keep a fast pace but a very comfortable one and I ended up sticking with her the entire time. 

The Strides event turnout was great with a lot of area businesses, walkers, and volunteers out to support the cause! We had a wonderful time and enjoyed a delicious breakfast at Cracker Barrel after the 5K!

This french toast was a fall offering, but I didn't really care for the granola on top - next time, I'll just order regular french toast with a fruit topping! :)

Also, Cracker Barrel had all of their Christmas decor out on display. I might have bought a few ornaments...I literally wanted it all!!

I was too busy picking out ornaments to take a picture of the Christmas decor, but I loved these signs! 

So very true in so many ways!!

A friendly reminder....

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Remember to get checked – the American Cancer Society guidelines recommend yearly mammograms on women aged 40 and over. Women in their 20’s-30’s should have clinical breast exams by a health professional every 3 years. Monthly breast self-exams are recommended for women aged 20 and up. Early detection and screening has helped save countless lives! Don’t ignore the signs/symptoms – have them checked, today! 

 Have you ever eaten at a Cracker Barrel? If so, did you get sucked into the gift shop vortex? (Happens to me all the time!) Does your area host a lot of benefit walks/races?


  1. It's fun to browse the gift shop at Cracker Barrel but I usually don't buy anything.

  2. What a great cause to run/walk for! And yes....I love Cracker Barrel! And I love shopping in the store!

  3. Oh I always get sucked into the gift shop at Cracker Barrel! Great job running for such a worthy cause and yes, you look like your co worker or vice versa!

  4. Love their gift shop but haven't been there in ages. We have a lot of benefit walks/runs. Last year I did a great job of participating in most of them.Glad you felt good for your run!

  5. What a great thing they are doing to race awareness through a 5k race!
    Yes, I always ended up finding gifts at that shop. I have yet to buy something for myself though!

  6. My favorite time of year is Christmas decoration time at Cracker Barrel! It's even better if they happen to have a fire going too.

  7. What a great cause; I love to take any opportunity to run/walk for a charity that's meaningful to me. Believe it or not...I've never even better to a Cracker Barrel, haha.
