
Friday, October 2, 2015

Fitness Friday - 10/2

It's Friday with another fun filled weekend ahead! Here's a look at my workouts for the week followed by a few weekly happenings!

Saturday8 mile run/walk with Heather
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday –  PT Routine - Lunges/Squats/Stretches
Tuesday –  Unplanned rest day - the headache returned
Wednesday – 3 miles with Jason
Thursday – 2 mile run/walk before work
FridayPT Routine - Lunges/Squats/Stretches

Training for the Gulf Coast/Mandeville Half Marathon is going really well! I'm excited for a weekend away and I can't wait to run my first baby half-marathon!

Yesterday, I brought Madalynn back to the vet. She had a cyst/tumor removed from her leg a couple of months ago and in turn needed a wider area (margin) of non-tumor cells removed. Sweet girl was so nervous but was so happy to see all of the dogs in the waiting room - she loved making friends!

Unfortunately, they had to place a drain after the surgery because of the location of the tumor and they wanted to observe her overnight. I definitely missed her but Pixie lived it up! Those two are so funny!

Yesterday after work, we had a Relay for Life planning meeting where we officially chose our 2016 theme (Dr. Seuss)! This note was left on the board by our director (check out her hashtags)! Baby Seal will be six weeks old around the time of Relay for Life so we are calling him/her a Relay baby! I definitely realize there's no way I'll be able to be as involved with this year's Relay as I was in the past, but they're still letting me sit on the planning committee! :)

One of our  committee members made this amazingly delicious cheesecake for the meeting! It was SO good!

...and our director brought cupcakes! So sweet! 

Tonight, we are celebrating Jason's sister's birthday (happy early birthday, Lacey!). I also have a haircut followed by a call with my insurance's healthy pregnancy nurse....which sounds super redundant to me because I AM a nurse but ok whatever.

Saturday morning, I'm missing my planned long run (taking a break from long runs this week...everyone needs that every once in a while) for an out of town Relay for Life conference. Following the conference, we are celebrating my dad's 60th birthday back home!

Happy early birthday, Poppy! Won't be long until you'll be able to take naps like this again...on a different couch of course! :)

What are your weekend plans? Anything exciting happening? Are you experiencing fall weather where you live?


  1. Yes!!! Finally some cooler temps here in Memphis. I have a 10k tomorrow morning but that is about it. That cheesecake looks amazing..

    1. So excited for fall weather! Hope your 10K goes well! :)

  2. Fall weather is finally in the air here in Northern California, yay. I love the theme for your next Relay For Life, so fun.

    1. Thanks so much, Lynda! I'm excited to see how next year's Relay turns out! :)

  3. Sounds like you have some fun weekend plans. We are getting ready to deal with tons of rain from Hurricane Joaquin. My long run will be on a treadmill, but I plan to watch football games while I run! :)

    1. Oh of luck to you guys!! Have fun on the treadmill!

  4. Great week Karen!!! Hope you have a great weekend celebrating all the birthdays!!!

  5. What an adorable picture of your dad! I'm assuming that's you that he's holding?!?

  6. Our anniversary is Sunday so we're celebrating with food, wine & friends all weekend! I also have a 12 mi. run scheduled tomorrow.

    1. Have fun!! Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great run! :)

  7. Weather has been great here the past couple of days! We are doing a garage sale tomorrow and going to a festival here in out town.

    1. I'm so loving the weather! Hope your garage sale goes well!

  8. After days of warm weather, it definitely turned Fall this week! I am hoping to still get my long run in tomorrow but we are suppose to be getting a tropical storm!
    Hugs to sweet Madalynn! I know I get real nervous anytime a procedure is done at the vets. I know our pets have to feel uncomfortable too. -M
