
Friday, October 30, 2015

Fitness Friday - 10/30

Saturday – I took Saturday off from a long run to recuperate my IT Band...I think it did the trick!
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday –  3 mile run/walk
Tuesday –  PT Routine - Lunges/Squats/Stretching; also pulling weeds outside
Wednesday – Rest Day
ThursdayPT Routine - Lunges/Squats/Stretching; also pulling weeds outside (going to finish that up today)
Friday – 2 or 3 mile run/walk

Tomorrow, I plan a long run with my running buddy Heather. We've dressed up the past few years for Halloween runs and haven't decided yet what to do this year. Three years ago, we dressed as super heroes and had so much fun! Sooooo....we'll see what Saturday brings! :)

I'm also participating in Gone for a Run's Faster Than Boo Virtual 10K!

This week, I did my first walk/run since the Gulf Coast Half Marathon. My knee held up just fine and I'm no longer worried about it!

During the run, I listed to The Disney Exchange for a little entertainment. I know I've blogged about them before, but they are hilarious and I love listening to them!! :) You can find them on iTunes...go check them out when you have a free moment!

Above, you'll also see my "cautious" run/walk ratio. It's funny how much pregnancy has slowed me down, but I don't mind one bit as long as I can keep on running! I compared the difference of the Louisiana Half Marathon earlier this year (my first sub 2 hour half marathon) with the Gulf Coast Half (a 2:38 half marathon just 8 months later) and how different each circumstance was from the other! That's how I take running in general - each race brings about new experiences and opportunities. You're not going to PR in each event and that's's simply being out there, having fun, and taking away the learning experiences that matters!

Have a fabulous weekend! Do you have anything planned for Halloween? Any fun themed races?


  1. Have fun this weekend running your virtual 10k. I bet you will come up with a cute costume!

  2. Can't wait to see pics of your costume for the virtual race. Have fun running with your friend!

  3. Sounds like a fun virtual 10k! No big plans this weekend. I think if the weather holds, I will go for a run, but it's starting to get chilly here.. :(

  4. I ran on Halloween and didn't even remember to dress up! Maybe if I was running with a friend I would have. O well, maybe next year!
