
Friday, October 9, 2015

Fitness Friday - 10/9

Saturday – Travel Day-out of town conference
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday –  PT Routine - Lunges/Squats/Stretching
Tuesday –  4 mile run/walk
Wednesday – Rest Day
ThursdayPT Routine - Lunges/Squats/Stretching
Friday – 2 or 3 mile run/walk (depending on how I feel)

My workouts went great this week - I attribute part of it to the fact that I took a workout break over the weekend.

I fully intended to run 3 miles on Tuesday when I realized I took the wrong turn and ended up on the "long" loop again. Whoops!

So, 4 miles it was!

After the run, my parents and I headed off for our weekly dinner. My husband was working nights, so he unfortunately missed our dinner. Whomp whomp.

Another new development this week has come with a slight change in my PT routine. I noticed while doing lunges, I experienced an odd pain on both sides of my lower abdomen.

I'm assuming it's round ligament pain - so with a little modification of the lunges portion of the routine, all is well now!  Instead of doing forward and backward lunges (10 sets x 3), I now hold a lunge on each leg for 10 seconds, 3 at a time. I do this for a total of 9 times.

Tomorrow's plan includes a 6 mile run/walk (my last long run before the Gulf Coast Mandeville Half Marathon) followed by our local Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event hosted by the American Cancer Society! Can't wait! :)

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Any fun plans? Do share...I wanna hear all about it!


  1. Good for you to listen to your body and make the necessary PT modifications. Just the first of many times you'll need to make modifications while pregnant.

  2. I sometimes think extra rest is as important as the workouts. This weekend I have my last long run before taper starts for NYC Marathon. My plans include a long bike ride and visit to the beach since our weather is absolutely beautiful at the moment.

  3. I can't believe Mandeville is almost here! I'm running 6 miles tomorrow too! Hope you have a great run and happy weekend!

  4. Sounds like a great run! I have a 6 mile run planned too!

  5. Looks like a strong week of workouts. I try to find the balance with running and doing PT exercises too! I have 10 miles on my schedule this morning! (but of course I am procrastinating and reading blogs...haha)

  6. Sounds like a great week! I love coming back to running even after just 2 or 3 days of rest, it really does make a huge difference in how I feel!
