
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Running and Baseball and Apples...Oh My!

Happy Tuesday! This past weekend in Southwest Louisiana was a gorgeous one and we had a lot of fun enjoying the beautiful weather!

On Friday night, we met up at the Lafayette airport to pick up a Florida friend who was in to visit his parents. Somehow, he knew I loved Disney candy apples (I mean, who doesn't?) and he managed to surprise me with one right there in the airport! I could not believe my eyes!!

This is my "oh my goodness I'm so excited this can't be real" face....

After leaving the airport, we had dinner at a local restaurant, then I crashed in the car for the hour drive home. I had an early long run on Saturday and needed my rest! :)

On Saturday morning, I met up with my BRF Heather for a run! We intended to run 6 miles but took the "long way around" by accident and ended up running 6.5 miles...whoops! Ah well, no harm was done! The run felt great and we feel prepared for the Gulf Coast Half Marathon this weekend!

This is us from 2012's GC Half...can't believe it's been that long since we ran this event! We also ran it in 2011 and enjoyed the beautiful weather, so I hope that will return again this weekend!

Back to the weekend...after our Saturday run, I headed over to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event for a 5K. I hadn't yet decided what to do....walk it, jog it, or volunteer. Well, since no extra volunteers were needed (when does that ever happen?), I decided to stick with a coworker and see how far I could go! You can read all about Saturday's event here! :)

After a nice, long Saturday afternoon nap, Jason and I decided to join my parents for the McNeese State football game! We are all alumni of McNeese, so we enjoy cheering them on!

I'm still dying over the photo bomb kid with the finger behind us! 

Back in the day, Jason was a part of the Pride of McNeese's marching band, so watching halftime is always a must!

Jason's family also happened to be at the game, so we sat and chatted with them for a while! It was nice to visit and catch up!

Sunday morning dawned another gorgeous day, so I took advantage and enjoyed my devotional and cup of tea in the backyard!

I also watched the Astros game (which they won)...then they happened to bomb Monday's game but ah well that's neither here nor there! 

Oh yes, remember that apple? Well, it's all gone now. I ate half on Saturday and finished the remainder on Sunday! It was so good and completely lived up to my expectations!

For those of you into baseball, what do you think of Utley's barreling slide into second? Personally, I get that it's a "thing" to break up a double play, but I'm baffled by the fact that catchers wear gear and it's illegal to crash into them...why is it "legal" to crash into second baseman who aren't wearing any gear at all? I definitely think what Utley did was wrong, but if Tejada's leg hadn't been broken, would the incident have been as big of a deal? It's overall just a crazy crazy situation. Mets fans, my heart goes out to you!! I would be livid had the same situation happened to one of my teams!!

If you're into baseball, what team are you following in the post season? Are you a fan of Disney Candy/Caramel Apples?


  1. Giants fans here so the season is over for us. I think Utley acted like a jacka$$ personally -- it looks like he tried to hurt Tejada on purpose..

  2. My house is alllll cubs right now! And that apple looks AMAZING!

  3. Dean is an Astros fan. They would make trips to Houston to watch them when he was growing up. I grew up a Braves fan but I find myself really pulling for the Cubs. There's so much history there & I just want them to win! I definitely think Utley was wrong. The whole situation is just crazy. I may or may not have a picture of him in a girls itty bitty tank top from the year they played LSU during regionals.....

  4. I'm not in to baseball but I have two coworkers who love the Rangers, and our VP grew up in St. Louis. The trash talking started early this fall.

  5. I've only ever had a normal caramel apple, never a Disney one. They look so good though! Our local candy store had some pretty great decorated ones too. I might pick one up next time I'm near it.

  6. Can't comment on the baseball, I don't even know who is playing lol. I haven't had a candy apple in a LONG time!

  7. I follow our one Canadian team, the Toronto Blue Jays. It's the first time they've made the playoffs in 22 years (I was in Grade 6 last time). :) The series is tied with Texas tomorrow....I am on pins and needles waiting. We are seriously considering going to a game if they keep winning. Huge bucket list item for me!! :)
