
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Weekend Recap

Happy Tuesday! Sorry for the lack of a blog post yesterday - I felt horrible on Sunday (like I was coming down with something) and had trouble sleeping on Sunday night. Last night, I crashed around 8:30 p.m. and slept alllll night long. I'm feeling much better now - hoping it's just sinus mess with the weather change!

This weekend was a busy but fun one! On Friday, I had a haircut after work and it feels oh so good!

I love the feeling of freshly cut hair! :)

Madalynn also came home from the vet on Friday after an overnight stay. She had surgery on Thursday to retrieve clear margins around her tumor site and wound up with an unexpected drain and an overnight stay. Poor girl. She had the drain pulled yesterday and now we wait on the stitch removal next week. Hopefully she will be back to her normal self in no time! Her original biopsy was positive for cancer, but the vet feels certain she was able to achieve good, clear hopefully this won't pop up again!

On Saturday, I spent the day in Lafayette (about an hour away from home) for a Relay for Life convention. We had a great time and it was fun seeing old friends and meeting new ones from around the state!

I LOVE love love their shirts!!

After a brief visit to Destination Maternity in the mall, I made my way home for my dad's 60th birthday shindig that evening! 

We had dinner at Texas Roadhouse, then returned to our home for cake and ice cream! Yum!

Happy Birthday!

On Sunday (despite feeling like poop), I managed to grocery shop, go to church, wash all of my clothing for the upcoming week, and watch the Astros celebrate as they officially became the 2nd wild card team for the AL! After all of that, I went to sleep! :)

Unfortunately, I didn't manage a long run (or any kind of run) this weekend but that's ok. I'm back on track this week!

Oh yes, and I've had this odd caramel apple know, like the good Disney ones...and I managed to find these while grocery shopping!! Of course they aren't NEAR as good as Disney's, but it's the closest I can get right now anyway. Day made.

How was your weekend? Do you like caramel apples?


  1. I love a fresh hair cut too! I've never been a fan of caramel apples because I never really like apples but that's changed over the last year so I guess I'll need to try one when I'm at Disney!

  2. I love caramel apples. We have Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and they have all kinds of goodies on their caramel apples.

  3. I hope Madalynn has a full recovery. I had a pretty productive weekend and even got an 8 mile run in even though I only planned to do 5!
