
Monday, November 2, 2015

Faster Than Boo Virtual 10K Recap

What happens when a rainy forecast tries to run your running plans? You adapt and overcome, of course!

That's what happened to me this past weekend. My running buddy messaged me early Saturday morning because she wasn't feeling well (which I took as an opportunity to sleep in a little later that my Saturday norm). It was raining when I woke up and the forecast called for 100% rain all day. The rain finally let up some time mid morning, so I decided to make a break for it!

Faster Than Pooh? NO! Faster Than BOO!

I took a before/"dry" picture...just in case...

The run/walk went well and I was able to keep up my 4:1 intervals throughout the entire run. I also had a bottle of gatorade in the fridge which came in handy as the morning was warm, humid, and muggy.

As my made the final loop in front of my house, it started to drizzle. I looked up and saw black luminous clouds headed my way. After checking the radar, I decided I had time to finish the final mile and maybe only get a little wet.

Boy was I mistaken. (Thankfully, I left my phone at my house.)

As I reached the final mile, the rain began to POUR and I was drenched within seconds. I don't mind a little rain...I love running in the rain (and this actually cooled me off)...but, I got a little scared when I heard the thunder.

Playing it safe, I decided to turn around, go back home, and forgo the final .6 miles left of the run. Better safe than sorry.


I wasn't able to make up my missed mileage on Sunday because it was a busy day and it rained on and off most of the day, too. I plan on finishing it up this afternoon! :)

I'm glad I decided to return home because within minutes, I received these two messages on my phone...crazy!

Crazy Halloween weather! 

The wind was pretty strong, too!

Crazy thing, the rain didn't let up at all throughout the day and we didn't have a single trick or treater as a steady rain held up most of the night!

I did enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee in my Halloween mug one final time! After all, what are rainy weekends for?

Disclaimer: As a Gone for a Run Ambassador, I received complimentary entry to this race.

Did you run any fun Halloween themed/costumed races this weekend?


  1. It rained all weekend here too! Glad you turned around.. Those virtual races look fun :)

  2. You have such cute Disney Halloween paraphernalia, I'm jealous =)

  3. Trick or Treat was moved to Friday night here because of all the rain that was forecasted. I'm so sick of rain!!

  4. Glad you got out of the rain when you did. No sense in risking it. I don't mind running in a little rain but nothing like you described! Hope you had a nice Halloween!

  5. Crazy rain! Our neighborhood did trick or treating on Friday since we knew saturday was going to be so bad!

  6. Nothing themed, but I did the Castaway Cay 5k last Tuesday. That was epic (though, I didn't think so at the time!). Got my first race medal out of it, too. :-)
