
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 19 & 20 Weeks

Today, I'm combining week 19 and 20 as we were out of town on a cruise during my 19th week of pregnancy.

Hooray! We've made it halfway!! Honestly, I can say it's really flown by but needs to slow down just a tad because I haven't even started with the first preparations on baby's room yet....

19 Weeks...

20 Weeks...

Y'all. I ate SO much food on the cruise. Seriously. After returning home and getting back to my "normal" way of eating, some of that unnecessary extra baggage has gone away (thank goodness)!

How many weeks are you now?
20 weeks + 6 days, although Baby Seal is still measuring a few days ahead per yesterday's ultrasound.
Baby's size? 
What to expect app says Mango. Baby Seal weighed 1 pound 2 oz on ultrasound yesterday!

Nothing new to report! I've been feeling great!!

The dreams are still crazy and come around at least a few times a week. I really need to start writing them down!

Weight Gain:
In total, I've gained 9 pounds overall!

I ran/walked on the ship twice and ran/walked a 6 miler this past Saturday. As of this week, I've been very bad because most of my extra time has been spent towards gender reveal party planning and I haven't run or walked not even once!
I am happy to report that when I returned home, my scrubs for work still fit...although I'm not sure how much longer that will last!

Nothing new!

Still fish.

Any Movement?
Yes, same type of feeling - it feels as if I'm being poked from the inside.

Very well!

Gender reveal party supplies! Does that count?

What I miss: 
Sleeping on my stomach. 

What I’m looking forward to:
Finally finding out Baby Seal's gender!

Best Moment of the Week: 
Yesterday's ultrasound....amazing to see how much Baby Seal's grown in 10 weeks although he/she wouldn't move much for the scan.

Also, if you would be in prayer over the next two weeks for us...they saw something on the ultrasound that didn't measure quite right and it scared me a bit. Baby's tummy is measuring a few weeks ahead, so I have to return in 2 weeks for a repeat ultra sound. If it's still the same there, I'll have to be referred to a high risk doctor (because of family history). More than likely, baby swallowed amniotic fluid then fell asleep and didn't have a chance to digest it thoroughly (at least that's what I convinced myself because he/she was super inactive on the ultrasound). Anyway, we would appreciate your prayers!

19 Weeks

20 Weeks

Golden ticket in hand, ready for the weekend!! :D

What's your gender prediction? Do you think Baby Seal is a boy or a girl?


  1. i'm selfishly guessing girl :)
    Bobby had to hide the envelope from me b/c he was afraid I would peek!

    1. LOL my brother thinks I looked but I definitely didn't! I do love surprises!

  2. So excited to find out if its a boy or a girl! This year seemed to be the year of boys, so I'm predicting girl for your 2016 baby.

  3. Boy! (Because we have similar cravings and aversions! ;) )

  4. Definitely will be praying! For some reason I'm thinking boy. I don't know why though.

  5. Have fun with your gender announcement!

  6. I think boy! Baby Seal is the 4th baby gender I've picked today alone! There is a baby boom right now! And lots of prayers for you. Best wishes.

    1. Too funny!! Thank you so much! We appreciate the prayers more than you know!

  7. I think Boy. I'll also be sending prayers your way

  8. Karen, I have you in my prayers and can't wait to hear the gender. I have no guess, but just wish for a happy healthy baby to join your family!

  9. Praying for you and baby! When I was pregnant with our first, they said my little guy's stomach was "too small" on ultrasound and they freaked me out... All for nothing... He arrived 100% fine :)

    I'm guessing boy :)
