
Monday, December 14, 2015

How Christmas Saved The Grinch

A few weekends ago, I had the privilege of helping behind the scenes with our church's Christmas musical, How Christmas Saved the Grinch. My involvement in this production was on a MUCH SMALLER scale (like 2% compared to the norm), but I still had a ton of fun regardless and everyone did an incredible job!

Our morning began bright and early (7 a.m.) to begin working on hair and makeup. Thankfully, Starbucks was offered and I jumped right on it! Peppermint Mocha, please! :)

This girl's hair took over half an hour to complete, but we were pleased with the results! Whoville hair and makeup is a bit on the wacky side! :)

The set! In order to create this musical, they watched a stage production of the Grinch on from Universal Studios on YouTube and followed it as close as possible.

The production was SO cute!

So, how did Christmas save the Grinch, you might ask? Well, Cindy Lou Who introduced him to Jesus...and his heart grew three sizes that day! :)

Honestly, this is one of the best productions I've seen in a long time (and I can say that because I wasn't directly involved)! From the set designers to the actors, the costume-makers (most of the costumes you see were hand sewn), and the musical/lighting crew...I was blown away!  I loved the Broadway style feel of it all and they truly did an excellent job!

Melissa and I might have stood in line like kids at Disney World for a picture with the Grinch. It was amusing to say the least!

Mackenzie had a lead role as the Narrator and she did an excellent job!

On Sunday night, a reception was held for the cast and crew. How cute are these cupcakes?! Love it!

I also received a gift from the Grinch for helping out! :) The bag was filled with yummy goodies, too!

My only wish is that I would have had the chance to see this production an additional time. I did hear talk that it might be back for 2nd time next year, so we'll see!!

Happy Monday! Hope you all have a great week! :)

Have you ever been involved in a stage production of any kind? If so, what was it?


  1. What cute photos and that stage looks like the professional one. Very impressive for a church group Karen. One of my favorite things is seeing the little kids in the choir doing a nativity play...there are usually some mistakes and they make it hilarious!

  2. All I can keep thinking is how blessed we are that the water pipes at church did not bust last weekend!!!

  3. I did plays in elementary school, then was tech in middle school. It was fun but such a relief when the production was over.

  4. Our church did this production. It was amazing like a real broadway show! Prayers for your church and the insurance to deal with it fast. Enjoy Disney!
