
Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Weekend 2016

Happy 2016! I know I say it every year, but it's hard to believe that 2015 flew by so fast! I AM excited to say this, though - we are officially in 2016 which is the year we get to meet our little Baby Seal! Yay!

Over the New Years Eve weekend, I spent a lot of time sitting around (per Doctor's orders) and a lot of time hanging out with friends! 

New Years Eve itself wasn't a big hoopla this year. My husband was working nights, so my friend Kim and I decided to do a late Christmas catch-up. We ate dinner at McAlisters, exchanged gifts (she got me a Minnie Mouse onesie!), and we caught a movie. I was home by 10:30 p.m., watched the ball drop in NYC at 11 p.m., then went to sleep. Jason called a few minutes before midnight so we could at least talk to each other while the new year transitioned.

On New Year's Day, I had another late Christmas shindig with a few more friends. It's kind of our tradition now to host our "party" on NYD, so I guess that's what we're going with from now on!

One problem - practically EVERY restaurant in our hometown was closed. Our husbands had the same problem and...well...we ended up at the same restaurant while sitting at different tables. It was quite comical!

Walk-Ons is a newer restaurant here in town. I've eaten there many times in NOLA and Baton Rouge but was excited to finally try our hometown location! I ordered my favorite - Cajundillas (quesadillas stuffed with lots of Cajun favorites) and it was delicious as always!

After dinner, I might have splurged on a McD's strawberry shake. I can't tell you the last time I had one of these!!

We exchanged gifts, then took a few pictures!

After it was all said and done, we ended the night watching many hours worth of videos from a trip we all took together a little over 10 years ago. Oh my gosh...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

The remainder of the weekend was spent shopping for baby furniture with Jason (more on that later), sleeping, taking down the Christmas décor, and sitting as much as possible.

Oh yes, and apparently our hot water heater decided to leak, but we caught it before any damage was done (whew)! We are now the official proud new owners of a brand spankin new hot water heater! Ah, the life of a homeowner! :)

How was your New Years Eve/Weekend? Did you do anything special to celebrate?


  1. You look great!! Looks like you had a blast over New Years! We hung home and stayed low.. Can't wait to see the nursery and the furniture.. Been praying for you :)

  2. It's nice that you have so many local friends to celebrate with! We had family over for new years and also did a gift exchange with an out of town friend! I always love post christmas gatherings!

  3. My friends and I played card games for the night. We had the TV on, but we missed the NYC ball drop, and nothing happens in Dallas for midnight. We popped champagne then people left.

  4. Sounds like a fun way to bring in the New Year (except for the water heater's not fun to adult)! We went to a friend's house and played Mexican Train Dominoes until the new year!

  5. I laughed about the joys of being a homeowner. There is always a to do list and something breaking or some new furniture do dad you "need" for the house. But you really do need baby furniture! :)

  6. We did a low key (albeit labor intensive) dinner at home which was perfect. Adam had a 4 day weekend so we spent NYD in pjs watching Netflix and then had a very productive Sat and Sun. Just the way to start the new year! Hope you're feeling better and yay for the year you meet baby seal!!!!! -C
