
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Random Thoughts Tuesday

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I've had a few random thoughts floating throughout my brain lately so I thought I would share them here! :)

Three Ingredient Waffles

On Saturday, I was hungry for waffles. After browsing Pinterest for recipes, I finally decided on a three ingredient one...

-1 ripe banana (mine was super ripe and frozen)
-2 eggs
-1/2 tbsp cinnamon

Mix ingredients together, pour on waffle iron, serve and enjoy! This made 2 mickey sized waffles and...well, I ate both. No sharing, sorry. 

By the way, I didn't burn the waffle - the cinnamon made the waffle appear dark. :)

Gilmore Girls and Fuller House Reunions

Umm hello and YES! The excitement is building and I can't hardly contain myself! Fuller House premiers on February 26th and I cannot wait! I might even have that date marked in my calendar on my phone. Only the important stuff makes it in there, obviously.

This week, I had a super strange dream about Mary Kate and Ashley (pregnancy hormones, people).  I dreamed they were cousins to a friend of mine and came to town to visit.....and we all hung out of course! SO. ODD.

I've also been re-watching the entire series of the Gilmore Girls over the course of the past year and I'm almost to Season 6! This article I read last night about the reunion really heightened the excitement!!

Third Trimester Woes

WHY on God's green earth do people feel like it's ok to share their feelings about the size of a pregnant woman's body with her...especially a pregnant woman in her third trimester? HELLO! What woman in her third trimester do you know that's not big?! I certainly haven't seen many if they do exist. The rude comments haven't come my way often - just once, but it totally rubbed me the wrong way. Yes, I'm probably going to have a bigger baby - both Jason and I were in the 8 pound range and a lot of the men in my family are bigger guys...BUT, it's not reassuring when a random person tells me how big my baby is going to be (in a rude manner) because in just a few weeks, I have to deliver this baby and I'm already freaked out about that process as it is. Rude comments don't help. Honestly, on an every day normal basis, it's not ok to make rude comments to why do people feel as if it's ok to make rude comments to women who are creating, growing, and forming a new life inside of them? Do I need to brush the comment off? Sure I do...but that's easier said than done.

I know it's just beginning and I still have 8 weeks to go, but seriously people....if you have an opinion about the size of my body or how big you think my baby is going to be, please just whisper it to your friends and don't say it to my face (or any pregnant woman's face for that matter...cause no one wants to hear that....we see ourselves in the mirrors every day and already know what we look like without anyone else's opinions jumping in). Please think before you speak. Thanks.

Back to happier topics...

My puppies

My sweet girls are excited for the arrival of their least they pretend to be! It's going to be interesting when he does arrive - I'm curious to see how they will respond to him! :) I think Pixie (the yorkie) will be the jealous one and Madalynn (the cocker) will be the one trying to take all of his toys. We've had MANY talks about the difference between Madalynn's toys and baby brother's we'll see how well those stick. HAH! :)

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

What's your favorite "short list" ingredient dish to make?


  1. I think all pregnant women are beautiful and you are absolutely no exception. It's something we were supposed to learn in kindergarten - if you have nothing to say, don't say anything at all.

  2. I don't understand why people feel the need to always share their rude comments. I was constantly told how small my pregnant belly was. Boy did I not feel small! Maybe it looked small because I'm a petite person! Okay, rant over. :)

    1. I don't understand it, either. People are insane....

  3. I might have to save that date on my phone too!!! Loved that show. :) some people are just so rude!! Sorry that happened to you. :( glad I wasn't with you, I would have told them something!! ;) can't believe it's getting so close!!

    1. Next time, I'm gonna ask when their eyes turned into an ultrasound machine to weigh babies in utero. I'm sure that will get quite the response! LOL

  4. The comment on your size is outrageously rude but also be prepared for total strangers to want to get in your baby's face when you go to the store etc. I always had C in a Snuggly pack facing me so they could not breathe horrible germs all over her. Yes, I was that mom! :)

    1. That's so true too, Pam!! I have a feeling I'm going to be the same as you...I don't like strangers breathing on me much less my tiny baby!

  5. Ugh what is it with people and pregnancy?! Every one of my friends has said that all of the social norms of what you should/shouldn't say go out the window. You look amazing and don't let those jerks get you down!! :) -C

    1. It's true...the social norms really don't exist anymore. SO incredibly wrong!

  6. Oh goodness! The rude comments make me so mad! People are going to say something no matter what. If you were tiny they would say something about you starving your baby. So brush it off girl! You are beautiful and absolutely glowing!!! And Fuller House!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

    1. You're right...they would have comments no matter what! Thanks Mindy!! :)
