
Friday, February 12, 2016

Review: BeetsBLU PagerTag

Pregnancy brain. It's a legit thing, y'all. I've forgotten so many things over the course of the past few months, it's ridiculous.

One important thing I misplaced was my car keys. They were "gone" for several hours and I had no clue where I last put them. Someone else found them inside my outer jacket pocket that was hanging over a chair. Oy.

Imagine my surprise the following week when BeetsBLU contacted me about hosting a review on one of their Bluetooth smart products including a heart rate monitor. Since I'm not currently allowed (per Dr.'s orders) to perform any fitness activities at this moment, she suggested their wireless key fob called PagerTag! PagerTag is an alarm that produces a sound with just the push of a button from your phone.

I can't tell you how excited I was to try out this product, especially after the key fiasco that almost stranded me the week before!

The greatest thing about the PagerTag is that it doesn't HAVE to be used on your keys. If you want to keep it with other valuables, then you can!

Getting the PagerTag set up was a little challenging as I couldn't figure out how to connect it to the app on my phone at first but once I got the hang of it, all was well!

Before long, I was all set!

In order to use the PagerTag, you must have an iPhone 4S or later model. It can also pair with the Samsung Galaxy S4 or later. The app is simply called "PagerTag".

A few alarm options exist and the one I use the most is the push button alarm. If I can't find my keys, I simply open the app on my phone and hit the alarm button (also looks like a volume button on the screen above). One feature I had to turn off was the automatic alarm. If my keys were too far away from my phone, the alarm would sound. Since I don't keep my phone in my purse 24/7, that was definitely a no.

For more information on the PagerTag, click here for their website. You can also follow them on the following social media outlets:
The PagerTag can be purchased directly from the BeetsBLU website or Amazon
Overall, I like this product and would recommend it to anyone who has a hard time keeping track of their keys, valuables, or any smaller objects that are easily misplaced!

Thanks, BeetsBLU! 

Disclaimer: I received this product for personal review, free of charge. No compensation was given in exchange for this review. All opinions expressed are my own. 


  1. Oh this is a clever idea! I should put it on the flash drive I use for work. When I misplace that I start to panic. It's like every important document ever is on

  2. Sounds like a great product for people who lose their keys a lot!

  3. That is the coolest gadget!! I think I need that and I'm not pregnant. I just forget stuff all the time!

  4. Sounds like a great idea except the one thing that I lose often is my phone!!!

  5. Great idea! Pregnancy brain is crazy. I left my phone in the bathroom in Florida and we had to drive 30 back to get it! Mom brain is just as bad, so sad to say it doesn't get any better.
