
Monday, February 8, 2016

Superbowl Weekend 2016

Happy Monday!

This weekend flew by yet again...which means we are another week closer to meeting our little boy! Although Jason worked this weekend, I still made good use of my time and attempted to get a few things accomplished around the house. Staying off my feet as much as possible was a must, so I definitely had to take frequent breaks.

The cooler temps here also made me miss my usual Saturday long run. The weekends seem much longer too, now that they aren't filled with one activity after another. Oh well...I'm attempting to soak up the down time as best I can! Before long, life will be a flurry of activity once again! :)

Saturday morning began with a slice of King Cake in celebration of Mardi Gras! When in Louisiana... :)

On Saturday afternoon, I attended a birthday party for one of my best friend's kids. He turned 10 and had his party on board a WWII battleship!  Right now, they use the ship for laser tag parties and it looks like so much fun!

The ship was neat to explore! I actually want to go back and hear the history behind the ship, how they lived, etc. Really cool!

From the ship, I also had a chance to admire the sunset over my beloved running lake. I absolutely cannot wait to get back out there and hit the pavement again on early day soon!

We had dinner with my parents on Saturday night, then they came over and helped us move a little furniture around. The baby's room is slowly getting there!

The bed/dresser/glider will be set up next weekend. Can't wait to see it all come together!

On Sunday morning, I met up with my friend Heather and her parents for a little coffee as they drove home from Texas. (I had a King Cake latte, of course!)

It was great to see them, catch up, and visit for a while! 

Pixie helped me make Gumbo and potato salad for the Superbowl on Sunday night.  I finished making everything about an hour before the game and was happy with my accomplishment. Once everyone arrived and we were getting ready to eat, I realized I did something incredibly dumb...I FORGOT to make the rice. Pregnancy brain, y''s no joke!

No harm done...we watched some of the game while making rice and all was well! Everything turned out delicious, too!

Our little crew for the game (plus Jason)! Fun times!

If you watched the Superbowl, did you do so from a friend's house, host a party, etc?


  1. We forget to make the rice for things all the time without pregnancy brains to blame. :) We had a few people over for the super bowl and indulged in some unhealthy treats.

    1. HAHA Well that makes me feel better! :) Unhealthy treats are almost necessary for the Superbowl!

  2. I really want this to be the year that I try King Cake!!!!

  3. You sound like me with the king cake stuff. Love it! We went to friends & ate way too much!!!

    1. YES! Your cheesecake bistro slice looked heavenly! I had a piece of the king cake cheese cake from there last year and loved it! YUM!

  4. sounds like a fun and relaxing weekend. We did attend a Super Bowl party and it was really fun. There were about 25 plus people and everyone brought an appetizer or dessert to share. I ate waaaay too much junk food but hey, it was SB Sunday! Excited to see how your baby's room turns out. You must be getting ready for the big day as it will be here before you know it!

    1. How much fun is that! It's totally ok to eat junk on super bowl Sunday! :D

  5. So glad we got to see you! We went to a super bowl party with our church life group as soon as I got home. Lots of good food!

  6. We had fun at a bowl party and ate way too much food! I had this delicious snickers dessert that was to die for!!

  7. King Cake Latte???????? Oh I need one of those! I wonder if PJ's will still have it during Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Marathon weekend???
