
Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend Review

Congratulations to everyone who completed races at the Rock n Roll New Orleans Marathon, Half, and 10K this past weekend!! I loved following along with all of the updates on social media! Can't wait for next year! :)

This past weekend was a really nice and relaxing one and I enjoyed every minute of it. No schedule and nowhere to be (except church on Sunday)...I was in heaven!

The weekend began early on Friday as we were let off work a few hours earlier than normal. I took a nap, hung out with Jason and the puppies, then began working on craft things for the baby's room! Oh yes, and who can forget Fuller House?! (I loved the show, by the way...all of the episodes were consumed by Saturday night!)

Silly girls!

Adding a little Disney baseball to the nursery...while watching Fuller House of course! :)

I am so excited over the baseball paper I found!! Love it! The Mickey, Donald, and Goofy silhouettes  were framed in white frames and are waiting for display. I would like to have everything together before I begin hanging things in the room. I'm at a loss at what to put over the dresser...still trying to figure that one out in my head...

On Saturday, I pretty much stayed in my PJ's all day. Say what?! I haven't done that in...umm...ever...that I can remember! Despite my frumpy (yet comfortable) appearance, I got a lot of things accomplished around the house. Baby Seal's "accessories" are mostly together including the rocker/sleeper and car seat/stroller.  The car seat base and mirror are installed in my car, his clothes and blankets are washed, and his bag is mostly packed. I do have my personal packing list written so that's next to accomplish!

This corner of his room is where I began and I'm about halfway done. Doing all of these tasks from a mostly seated position really slows me down!

Pixie seemed to enjoy his rocker/sleeper, although she only stayed in for a few minutes. Poor girl has been my guinea pig for a lot of his items! She's been a very good sport, though!

Madalynn, on the other hand, assumed that these fluffy polar bear chest straps were her toys. Of course. We've had lots of serious discussions about Madalynn's toys vs baby brother's toys. I think those discussions went in one ear and out the other, you can clearly see. :) What fun adventures lie ahead...hah!

Guinea Pig exhibit #2. She wasn't as big a fan of the car seat as she was the rocker/sleeper.  She still loves me, though! :)

I finished off Saturday evening by writing thank you notes! I do love thank you notes and feel like they are a dying tradition (sadly).

On Sunday morning, I stopped by our local CC's coffee house (Community's a southern staple) and had a king cake latte and about a third of this king cake cinnamon roll! I'd seen these cinnamon rolls on facebook and Mindy tagged me in a King Cake coffee picture the day why not?! Besides, if I couldn't be in New Orleans, I figured I'd celebrate like I was there! :) It was fun to follow along with everyone's Rock n Roll NOLA progress while enjoying a taste of the city!

Oh yeah, and that cinnamon roll? It was the size of my hand!! I ate about a third of it, then brought the rest with was huge! Definitely one of the best cinnamon rolls I've ever had!

After church, I took another nap then had dinner with friends. Overall, it was a fun and much needed (on the relaxing side) weekend!

Y'all, TOMORROW makes a month until Baby Seal's due date! I can't believe it!! 

How was your weekend? Did you run any races? Hope you had a great one!! Happy Monday!


  1. We've had to have similar discussions with our dog about his toys vs. the baby's toys. He thinks that anything soft, especially if it resembles a stuffed animal, is his.

    1. Too funny! Glad it's not just mine! :) Maddie's brain thinks the same way! Haha!

  2. I totally agree with you on the thank you notes. I didn't know there was such a thing as a King Cake cinnamon roll! How did I miss that???

    1. Girl!! This was seriously delicious! It's from Meche's in Lafayette (they have a small store also in LC). It was basically a warm and delicious cinnamon roll with King cake icing on die for!!!

  3. Oh Pixie is such a good sport! I can't wait to see the whole nursery come together!

    1. Me too girl! I'm so ready to be finished with it! Still at a loss at what to put over the dresser...

  4. Poor Pixie :) Looks like you're going to have a couple of helpers when the baby arrives. I hope he likes dog drool on his toys.

    1. Haha I poor dogs! They really are good sports! I'm sure more than one toy will get devoured by Maddie but oh well...

  5. Is this a cricut silhouette machine?? That is pretty nifty!! I love how you put it on burlap!! Looks great.

    1. It is a Silhouette and I love it! So many shower, home decor, and gifts have been made using it!

  6. OMG pixie in the car seat, I am DYING! Glad you had a good weekend!

    1. Bahah! Poor baby has been my guinea pig!! LOL

  7. I just had Tom come look at the photos of Pixie. She looks so cute in those baby accessories! It should get interesting when Madalyn wants the baby toys, but I am sure you could make a trip to the pet store and cure that problem with new toys for her!

    1. That's too funny! Isn't she a mess? At least she's cooperative...and she got a treat each time for being a good girl! Haha!
