
Friday, March 4, 2016

Showers of Blessings

This past week, I was surprised, blown away, and deeply humbled by not one but two baby showers - one from our Wednesday night girls group at church and one from my coworkers!

Right before beginning my middle/high school girls class on Wednesday night, I was "called away" to another room for something...the reasoning was quite vague. When I walked in, the entire group of kids from 4 years old through my high school girls were in the room and they all yelled "surprise"!

They really went all out with the baseball themed food, decor, and they even used our nursery colors!

 Everything was super tasty, too!

How adorable is the cake?! Our 4 year old class teacher made it for the shower!

I wish I had gotten a picture of the entire group - the smaller tables also had kids at them once upon a time!

Oh yes, and check out the adorable invitations! One of my previous students who's now a graphic design major made these! ADORABLE!!

My friend Kim who had a hand in putting all of this together!

...and this little girl is just too cute for words! She's my niece and isn't in our program yet but will be in a few years! :)

On Thursday at lunch, a page was made throughout our department that "the pregnant one" was needed in the break room! Hah!

Well, they were throwing me a baby shower, too! :)

We had a delicious lunch of chicken spaghetti and salad! Look how cute the napkins are!

These cupcakes are hands down some of the best in town! So delicious!

How adorable are these mickey burp cloths?! Love it!

I have a co-worker named Danny so of course, one of his gifts was the Danny and the Dinosaur book!

They know me so well! :)

This gift was a vintage find and I love it!! Baseball Mickey from 1978 complete with tags. He came from one of the parks (World or Land) as far as I can tell!

My awesome group of co-workers!  

Now, we have literally everything we need to complete Brayden's nursery and I hope to have it all together by the end of the weekend. I should have a tour of his nursery up and ready to go sometime next week so stay tuned.

Jason and I are so blessed by the love and support that so many people have shown to our little family! If you're reading this, we can't thank you enough!! Love you guys!


  1. wow what a blessed little boy to get three showers! Can't believe you are so close!

  2. Y'all are so blessed! What a great shower :)

  3. You have an amazing church family and co workers! That vintage Mickey is just awesome!

    1. I sure are right about that! Thank you! :)
