
Friday, April 15, 2016

Happy 1 Week!

Well, it's been a little over a week since Brayden's arrival and I thought it would be fun to do a little update on him and myself and our lives with him outside of my tummy! :)

Since his birth, our world has been turned upside down but definitely in a good way! We love learning all about him and his little developing personality. I'm not trying to jinx myself but he really is a laid back baby and has been eating and sleeping like a champ! I just hope he keeps this up! :)

We had an appointment with the lactation consultant this week and all seems to be going well! He's gained 0.4 oz since he was discharged from the hospital and is eating, sleeping, and pottying well (ah, the life of a newborn)!

It's amazing to me to think that he still isn't as big as he possibly could have been at birth. He weighted 8 pounds 2 ounces at birth and is now weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces - on the day he was born, another mom on our L&D floor delivered a 10 pound 2 ounce baby (yes, vaginally)! It's also crazy to think that just a little over a week ago, he was still inside of  me!

Time already seems to be flying by too fast - I want him to stay small for a while but I know that's not how it goes and that thought makes me I try not to think about it! :)

Madalynn is Brayden's little protector and stays by his side 24/7. When he's crying, she looks at us like "my baby is crying, fix him!" It's so sweet!

Pixie on the other hand...that girl is so silly. She just wants attention from anyone and doesn't give two hoots about the baby.

A friend of mine brought home a blanket from the hospital for the doggies to get accustomed to his scent - Pixie was all over the blanket and Madalynn didn't care one bit, so I honestly expected a different response from them in person. Animals are so funny! 

I even managed to capture a smile! They don't happen often but I've seen them a few times here and there. Don't say it's gas causing the smile because I know his gas/upset stomach face and it's not a pleasant one.  Hah!

We had one episode this weekend where he was inconsolable. We finally figured out the problem (think he was eating too fast which caused a tummy ache) and after changing a few things around, he's been MUCH better!

Madalynn and I even managed to get a 2 mile walk in this week. It felt good to walk at MY pace and not one that was dictated by bladder spasms, my insane pregnancy heart rate, or contractions. I can't wait to get back to running but that will have to wait a few more weeks as my body still needs time to heal. I'm taking it one day at a time and listening to my body as I don't want to jump back into anything prematurely.

How am I feeling overall? I feel great despite being a little sleep deprived/foggy. I feel as if things are healing up well and my body is recovering faster than I expected it to. As of 1 week from his birth, I lost 21.5 pounds and am down to 8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight (that was on it's 6 pounds).

Just a little over a week ago, I looked like this! The wonders of the human body are so incredible to me!

I know those last few pounds are going to be the hardest to lose as I kinda ate a lot of junk during my last month of pregnancy (hello Cadbury eggs and peanut butter crackers)! That's nothing I'm worried about right now, anyway.....I'll get there - again, one day at a time!

 Stay tuned for the 2nd installment of Brayden's Birth Story coming next week! :) If you missed the first installment, you can find it here.

Happy Friday! Any weekend plans?


  1. You are absolutely right and that's the best way to put it - the best upside down ever! :)

  2. So glad to hear things are going well! You look fantastic- great job getting our on a 2 mile walk. They grow SO fast! I still get teary eyed looking at pictures of when my guy was little. I lost all but a few pounds within a couple weeks. I think I'm holding onto all the donuts I ate! ;)

    1. Haha I understand completely - and those donuts were well warranted, too! :) (I've had a few of those as well...) It's crazy how fast they grow!

  3. Dogs are funny. My parents also had two when I was born, and the beagle didn't care about me until I started eating real food. Then she got interested.

    1. That's SO funny! I have a feeling that's how my Yorkie is going to be! HAH!

  4. Sounds like things are going really well. I've been loving all the pics that you've been sharing. Brayden is such a little cutie!

  5. Wonderful to see you are doing so well! It's been so exciting following along this pregnancy journey with you, and I can't wait for the birth story part 2!

  6. So weird to see the pics from a week ago and now! I was the same, int he first few days I lost 17 pounds and didn't see what all the fuss was about losing baby weight. haha. Those last few are for sure the hardest, but I know you can do it!

    1. I couldn't agree more! SO weird!! I know once I start running again, things will get better! When I work out, I eat better so that helps, too!

  7. Aww I love that Maddy is so protective of him!

  8. Sounds like y'all have had a great first week!!! I LOVE that Madalynn loves him so much! So precious!
