
Monday, May 23, 2016

Brayden's Baby Dedication

Yesterday was Brayden's Baby Dedication and we enjoyed celebrating the day with our family! Our baby dedications at church consist of a prayer over the baby and his/her parents by the senior pastor during the Sunday morning service. During this time, the baby and his/her parents are surrounded by their family on stage. It's such a sweet and special time and I couldn't wait for Brayden's turn!

I spent a good bit of time putting this outfit together and I loved the way it turned out!

Those hands are ALWAYS by his face! I love the way he's sitting in the picture where I'm holding him. He loves to prop his face up on his fist and has done that since day one!

With our family

I love this moment my mother-in-law captured during the dedication!

Brayden did so good during the dedication! He had a long day on Saturday and was almost overtired and cranky on Sunday morning. I prayed he would stay asleep during the dedication and he did! YAY!

Our family

With our senior pastor

His first Bible! 

It grew really warm as the morning went on, so we downsized Brayden's outfit to his onesie and shoes right before lunch!

Baby shoes are just the cutest thing to me! Look at these adorable (non-Sperry) boat shoes...:)

We so enjoyed being surrounded by our family as we dedicated Brayden's life to the Lord. Having them there made the morning even more special!

With that, we successfully added another memory to the baby book! :)


  1. Love it! Our church had baby dedication last week. It's a HUGE church (about 35 babies were dedicated) so just the mom and dad go on stage with the baby. I couldn't believe it had been a year since we dedicated EK!

    1. Crazy it's already been a year! Brayden wasn't the only one being dedicated on Sunday - our church does them on an every three month rotation!

  2. Those shoes are so precious. It looks like you had a very special day with your whole family. So glad it turned out so well.

  3. Oh my gosh - THE SHOES!!!! Amazing! Congrats on such an exciting weekend for your precious boy! You are just glowing, mama! -C

    1. Thanks so much, Christine! I love his little shoes!!

  4. Aww, he looks like such a little man in that outfit! What a special memory to have with your whole family!

    1. Doesn't he?! I thought the same thing! :) Thanks so much!

  5. Precious!!! I remember both of my boys' baby dedications at church. It's such a special time!!! And his outfit is sooooo cute!!!

  6. What a special day! Those shoes!!! Love!

  7. He looks too precious! And shoes... <3 <3 <3
