
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

First Mother's Day Weekend

I hope all of the mom's out there had an amazing Mother's Day! I would have had this post up on Monday morning, but the little one didn't want to fall asleep on Sunday, Tuesday morning it is! :)

Brayden and I had a great weekend! We began our Saturday morning with my mother-in-law stopping by to watch Brayden so I could go for a run! It was beautiful outside and I felt great physically...but more about that on Friday! 

After my run, we had coffee and talked for a while which was really nice! I spent most of Saturday evening shopping for Brayden's baby dedication outfit. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted and might have to piece the outfit together but that's ok!

On Sunday morning, we returned to church for the first time since Brayden's arrival. It was also Brayden's first time at church since evacuating the womb and he did great!

We enjoyed spending the morning with our church family! :)

Jason and Brayden also gifted these two beautiful pieces to me! I am in love with the necklace (I always say that phrase to Brayden and my doggies)...and the Pandora charm has Brayden's birthstone in the it!

Lunch after church was spent with my mom and dad at a local restaurant. It was delicious and we enjoyed spending time with them!

After lunch, we went to Jason's grandparent's place for dessert and coffee with Jason's family.

They had a house-full and everyone enjoyed getting to see/hold Brayden. He did SO well, too! I assumed he would pass out on Sunday night because of the broken sleep he received that afternoon but I was so wrong. Hah!

On our way home, we stopped by Starbucks and I had a tall caramel waffle cone frap! It was really good!

For dinner that evening, Jason cooked for us. I couldn't figure out what I wanted so I told him to surprise me. He made chicken spaghetti and it was SO good!! Great job, Jason! :)

We enjoyed our first Mother's Day although I think I was a little over tired...I assumed Brayden would be the over tired one but actually, it was me! Nothing a little sleep couldn't cure, anyway!

How was your weekend?


  1. Aww, Happy first Mother's day Karen! I bet it was special for your church family and extended family to be able to see Brayden!

    1. Thank you! Yes, it was a special day all around for sure!

  2. Looks like a fun weekend!I have been wanting to try that new flavor at starbucks. Does it have coffee in it?

    1. I think it does have a shot of espresso in it...I could be wrong but im pretty sure it does!

  3. Looks like you had a great Mother's Day! I want to try that Frap. I love a waffle cone!!

    1. Thanks, Traci! Its really like the caramel frap with waffle cone bits on least that's what it tasted like to me!

  4. Looks like you had a great 1st Mother's Day! I can't believe how much he's grown already.

  5. Happy 1st Mothers Day! It looks like you had a great day. I'm super happy for you :)

  6. Happy first mothers day Karen. It looks like you had a great day/weekend with your family.

  7. Totally behind on my blogging/blog reading, so happy (belated) first Mother's Day! What a special weekend it was for you guys! I LOVE the necklace!
