
Friday, May 6, 2016

Fitness Friday - 5/6

Happy Friday! Another weekend has arrived! Best of luck to everyone running the Tinkerbell Half Marathon this weekend - I WILL get there one day for this race!! Also, Happy Mother's Day Weekend to all the mom's out there! :)

Currently Training For:
  • Tour Lafitte 10 Mile Bike Ride
  • 4 Miler on the 4th of July
  • Disney's Princess Half Marathon & Glass Slipper Challenge
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon
How did my week go? Here's a recap:

Saturday - The Tour Lafitte that wasn't....which resulted in a 5 mile bike ride instead!

Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - PT routine...legs, cardio, and core
Tuesday - 3 mile run/walk followed by a 3 mile walk with a friend later in the day
Wednesday - I was sore so I planned to take a rest day but the weeds in my flowerbeds were calling my name. I have large flower beds and several of them at that, so this required a lot of squat type movements
Thursday - Finished work on the flowerbeds - all of the weeds are gone, YAY!
Friday - PT routine...legs, cardio, and core

After my first run last week, I realized that I'm going to need to get back into my PT routine if I want my return to running to be as smooth as possible. For Monday's workout, I incorporated my PT routine (squats/lunges/legs) with a little cardio and some core workouts. Hopefully this will help my IT band behave as it should! 

Tuesday's run was kind of interesting as I came across a garter snake in the road. Although he's not poisonous, I want nothing to do with snakes so I stayed far away!

Also, my pace is nowhere near where I'd like it to be but let's be honest - this was only my 2nd run since having a baby and it will get there. I'm not worried about it as I did take this run easy with a 3:2 run/walk ratio. I'll continue doing the run/walk method until I feel comfortable pushing my pace again.

I do anticipate a run tomorrow - I may even try to get 4 miles in...we shall see!

Have a great weekend!

What's your weekend plans? Any races going on?


  1. Eeek! Funny you saw a snake since I just posted about that on Wednesday. Glad it wasn't a poisonous one! I forgot Tinkerbell was this weekend. That really was a great race. I wish Disneyland wasn't so far away!

    1. I thought that was funny too! This was the first snake I've seen this year!

  2. You're doing so great getting back into running and fitness Karen!!!! I'm with you....don't like snakes at all! Happy first Mother's Day girl!!! Hope it's great!!!

    1. Thanks Mindy! Happy Mother's Day to you too!! :)

  3. Happy Mother's Day mama! Hope you enjoy your special day with your boys!

    1. Thanks so much Kathryn! Happy Mother's Day to you too!! :)

  4. Yay for getting back at it! No races but we have a Happy Hour party, 2 weddings & Mother's Day this weekend!

    1. That sounds like a fun weekend, Traci!! Enjoy!

  5. Planning to do 6 miles tomorrow. I haven't run that far since the CCC!
